金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2021/12/13(UT)

Niall MacNeill,Franco Reali,Vicent Gonzalez Cebria

Niall MacNeill
I imaged Venus last evening,
It is now a rather thin crescent at ~ 18% illuminated and even though its apparent diameter is huge at 47.5",
there was little detail to discern even in UV.
These are RGB and IR(G)UV images. The latter was a bit of a waste of time,but gives a nice aesthetic.
[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

Franco Reali
Seeing 5/10 Trans 6/10

[Franco Reali : Prato Italy]

Vicent Gonzalez Cebria

[Vicent Gonzalez Cebria:46600 Alzira(Valencia) Spain]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section