Edge dust storm 2 occurrence by M.Adachi

ALPO-Japan Latest
Edge dust storm 2 occurrence by M.Adachi

Edge dust storm 2 occurrence by M.Adachi

2022 Feb. 21 エッジダストストーム 2 発生
このダストストームの右側の SPC が微妙に暗くなっているのは、淡い白雲が覆っているためだろう。

2022 Feb. 21 Edge dust storm 2 occurrence
 Recorded in the image of Milika Nichola. The color is clearly changed in the SPC south of Argyre. 
This northern mid latitude region has a fairly large area of yellowish dusty. 
There is another bright spot on the left side of the arrow, but this is a differ ent color, 
the bright spot of the SPC, and has nothing to do with the edge dust storm.
The SPC on the right side of this dust storm is slightly darker, 
probably because it is covered by a pale white cloud. 
I don't know the trigger because I don't know the s tate of the polar cap until it occurs.
≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

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