火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2022/04/20(UT)
Clyde Foster,Carsten Bauer,Mark Lonsdale

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Clyde Foster
I know I shouldn't be surprised at this stage,
but it’s hard to believe how AS3! was able to get anything reasonable out of my Mars data this morning.
On screen it was a mess,and I was guessing at the best focus point. Syrtis Major and Hellas are again well placed.
The lack of any Mars clouds (other than the SPC) has been noticeable the last few days.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Carsten Bauer
Syrtis Mayor and Hellas can be identified at the CM.

[Carsten Bauer : Frankfurt,Germany]

Kazuo Sasaki

[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市  佐々木一男≫

Mark Lonsdale

[Mark Lonsdale : [Canberra,Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section