Report from 04/10 to 04/13 by A.Cidadao
Clyde Foster and I have been sharing Venus images we both obtained yesterday, a few hours apart,
and also sharing processing routines so a more robust time-lapse animation could be made to confirm features visible on April 13,
and also to demonstrate planet rotation.
Also〓attach〓the time lapse animation I made with our images. Time and CM data are depicted and the retrograde rotation is obvious.
Dear sirs, please find attached my Venus images from 10-13 April and also a 72h comparison image between April 10 and April 13 to depict what appears a recurrent cloud pattern putatively containing a vertical oriented cloud boundary
(cloud discontinuity previously described by Kardasis et al?; arrows).
Cloud details were observed on enhanced processed images (on the right), appearing on various filters, although much more subtle on filters centered on 1000nm (in comparison to 685 or 850nm filters).
Images were obtained with a 14" LX200 SCT and a PO Neptune C II camera
≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao Oeiras - Portugal]
ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section