“y¯ ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/09/02(UT)
Con Kolivas,Clyde Foster

Con Kolivas
Conditions were very good,improving with elevation,making it possible to visualise a single spoke in the B ring evident initially at the 0900 position rotating in the sequence of three RGB mono derotations each 18 minutes long performed on the night. The best seeing was during the last RGB capture which is shown at 200% scale,though the spoke is less obvious by this time at approximately the
0800 position. Seeing: 8/10

[Con Kolivas : Melbourne,Australia]

Tadao Ohsugi

áÎ쌧¬¼Žs ‘å™’‰•vâ[Tadao Ohsugi:Komatsu city Ishikawa pre,Japan]

Tatsushi Nishioka

<<_“Þ쌧  “¡‘òŽs  ¼‰ª’BŽu>>[Tatsushi Nishioka. Fujisawa-city,Kanagawa,Japan]

Clyde Foster
Despite strong Jetstream, I was pleasantly surprised, thanks to a few good individual captures, to catch Tethys and its shadow in transit(RGB). Seeing was variable over the 1h 20 min session and I have included 2 x IRfs and 3x Rfs.

[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section