土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2024/06/01(UT)

Christopher Go
Christopher Go

Christopher Go
Conditions were perfect today.  But I had to image close to sunrise.  
The rings of Saturn are close to edge on now.  The ring plane crossing will take happen later this year.  There are a lot of details visible dark spot in +32N.
I would like to thank Filippo Bradaschia and Tom Bramwell of Prima Luce for the ESATTO focuser. This focuser is incredible. I can now focus all channels while before I had to compromise with a slightly out of focus blue. Firecapture can remember the focus of each filter and return to the focus point when I change filter! This focuser is so smooth and accurate!
A special thanks to George Whitney of Astrophysics for the repair of the dec motor of my AP900GTO mount which died after 21 years of service.  It works better that new now!

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section