土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2024/06/09(UT)
Clyde Foster,Ioannis A. Bouhras,Mike Hood

Clyde Foster
After a few mornings of strong winds that prevented imaging,I managed a full set of images this morning despite very strong Jetstream conditions(46m/s). During processing,I did note possible features rotating with the planet,but at this stage don’t have the time to highlight them.

[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]

Ioannis A. Bouhras
Images of saturn in color and r+ir,with moderate seeing conditions.

[Ioannis A. Bouhras : Peristeri,Athens,Greece]

Tomio Akutsu

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Mike Hood
This is my first Saturn image of this season. The seeing was good for the low altitude of 43 degrees.

[Mike Hood : Kathleen Georgia,U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section