金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2024/08/31(UT)

Luigi Morrone,Antonio Cidadao

Luigi Morrone
Average/ good seeing conditions. Cloud features at middle altitude can be seen. No CD detected

[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]

Antonio Cidadao
A CD candidate on Aug29 is arrowed in the inset of "Venus 2024-08-28_09-01-AJC.jpg". Hope to be able to image it on Sep03, but the weather has become less stable in the last few days.

I also attach a time-lapse animation obtained today, with a few hours interval ("2024-09-01 Venus Sloan z'-s  AJC.gif"), to reveal mid altitude cloud rotation.
Yesterday ("2024-08-31 Venus Sloan z'-s  Sloan Y' CH4 1010 AJC.jpg") and today ("2024-09-01 Venus Sloan z'-s  Sloan Y' CH4 1010 AJC.jpg"), using a short period of more stable seeing, I grabbed images using 10% of frames (instead of the usual 100 best frames), with Sloan z'-s', Sloan Y', and the 1010nm/38nm filter stacked  with the Sloan Y' (this is the filter stack combination I will use for the NS). 3.5ms gain0 for the z'-s', 3.5ms gain110 for the Y' and 10ms gain110 for the 1010nm stack.
The cloud appearance with the three filters is shown individually, in a RGB merging composite, and in two time lapse animations ("2024-08-31 Venus Sloan z'-s  Sloan Y' CH4 1010 AJC. gif" and "2024-09-01 Venus Sloan z'-s  Sloan Y' CH4 1010 AJC.gif"). 
I think that the "transmission" versus "reflection" behavior/interpretation of the 1010nm filter results with respect to the Venusian atmosphere is not the same.

≪アントニオ  シダダオ  ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao  Oeiras - Portugal]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section