ALPO-Japan: Jupiter Section (December 19 1999)


T.Ikemura, B.Colville

December 19, 1999(UT)


Brian Colville (300mm Schmidt-Cassegrain, Pixcel 237 CCD Camera)
I have attached images taken of Jupiter on Dec 19 between 01:44 UT and 03:32 UT. The GRS was approaching transit during the final images. I became clouded out shortly after the final images. There are six infrared images and 3 methane band images.

Seeing conditions were quite variable, and by the end I could not get a decent methane image since exposures were 10 sec long and were affected by the seeing. Nice detail in the IR image taken at 03:02 UT.

Brian Colville
Maple Ridge Observatory

Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC Picona)

No.189 1999/12/19 12:46:40(UT)
I=334.3 II= 49.7 III=287.9
De=+3.2 Dia=44.90"

310mm Newton(F5)
TeleVue barlow 5x (f/30)
4 frames composite

ALPO-Japan HomePage Jupiter Section