眼視観測用火星地形図 (2021版 Ebisawa map地名バージョン)−地名有り
Mars map for visual observation (2021version Ebisawa map place name version)− with place name

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眼視観測用火星地図(2021年版 Ebisawa map地名バージョン)
 地名はEbisawa mapのものを同じ位置に記載。
Mars map for visual observation (2021version of Ebisawa map place name version) 
I drew it on paper based on the image sent to ALPO-Japan.
The place name is the one on the Ebisawa map in the same position.
地名記号凡例 Place name symbol legend(Nomenclatures)
D.: Depressio F.: Fons Fr.: Fretum Ins.: Insula L.: Lacus M.: Mare Pal.: Promontorium R.: Regio S.: Sinus

