1999年 2月21日の火星

新川勝仁(Masahito Niikawa)

Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Digital still camera Minolta DimageEx1500)

Ls = 100.4, De = 16.3, Dia = 9.6

18h36m08s, CM=252.1, 8 Flames composite
18h44m08s, CM=254.1, 8 Flames composite
19h28m34s, CM=264.9, 7 Flames composite
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm
Camera : Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera
         taking lens removed
Effective F No.: 100 (Or7mm Eyepiece Projection)
Filter: IR cut & Lowpass built-in the camera
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Exposure : 1/4 sec

Image Processing:

  • the Maximum Entropy Method deconvolution after composite of the original taking images., then, composite each deconvoluted images (the leftmost images)
  • Enhanced with the unsharp masking method (2nd left)
  • Enhancing the Blue channel layer images with low pass filtering and contrast enhancement of the leftmost images for easy detection of atmospheric phenomena of the Mars.
  • Hue of the Blue channel enhanced images is inverted (the rightmost images )
  • the unsharp masking method Th = 7, R = 14 Unsharip = 158. And color changed to hue -5(to Red), enhance +9

18h44m(UT) CM=254
Xephem 3.0によるシミュレーション

19h29m(UT) CM=269
Xephem 3.0によるシミュレーション

今日の火星(安達 誠)

19日の画像と違ってSYRTIS MAJOR(シルチス)が見えるようになっています。かなり短期間で雲の変化が起こっているようです。ずいぶんほっそりとしたSYRTISになっていますが,南北に伸びた雲か砂嵐が一部を隠しているものと思われます。


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