Ls = 110.8, De = +15.2, Dia = 12.1
Seeing 2/10-5/10
Trans 3/6
Wind : Sometimes bleezing
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm
Camera : Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera
taking lens removed
Effective F No.: 105 (Or7mm Eyepiece Projection)
Filter: IR cut & Lowpass built-in the camera
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Exposure : 1/4 sec
Image Processing:
- the Maximum Entropy Method deconvolution after composite of the original taking images (the leftmost images)
- Enhanced the leftmost images with the unsharp masking method (2nd left). The color of these images are simulation of naked eye.
- Enhancing the Blue channel layer images with contrast adjustment. of the leftmost images for easy detection of atmospheric phenomena (3rd left)
- Hue of the 3rd left images is inverted (the rightmost images )
- The cloud is seen along the equator.
- The yellow color of the rightmost images means blue of original color, and cyan color means red.
- The southen area of SIMUS SABAEUS and the area of TEMPE are bright in red color.