木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2000/10/26(UT)



Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, Philips ToUcam Pro)
≪京都市山科区  伊賀 祐一≫

Kazuyoshi Maeda (350mm Newton, NEC PICONA )
2000/10/27 14:36:10(UT)
280mm Newton(F4.3), XP8mm(f/31.7)
NEC PICONA 1/7sec, 4 frames comp.  K.Maeda
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.04"
沖縄いらい 初撮像です、また、28cmF4.3での最後です。(しばらくご安置です)
≪京都府 亀岡市 前田和儀≫

Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Minolta DimageEx1500)
2000/10/27 02:08:52 (JST)
2000/10/26 17:08:52 (UT)
CMI =  35.1, CMII = 248.5, CMIII = 209.7
De =  +3.4, E.Dia = 46.96"

7 frames composite

Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm
Camera :Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
Effective F No.: 25 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)
Filter: IR cut & Low-pass built-in the camera
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Exposure : 1/8 sec
Analog gain:6dB

Image Processing;
* The Maximum Entropy Method deconvolution
after composite of the original taking images.
And enhanced with the unsharp masking method.

Seeing = 2/10
Transarency = 1/6

≪大阪府  堺市  新川勝仁≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter2000 Apparition