木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2000/11/03(UT)
阿久津富夫,池村俊彦,新川勝仁,荒川 毅,永長英夫,伊藤紀幸,伊賀祐一,
Carlos E. Hernandez
T.Akutsu,T.Ikemura,M.Niikawa,T.Arakawa,H.Einaga,N.Ito,Y.Iga,Carlos E
Tomio Akutsu (320mm Newton, Cooled CCD camera Teleris2)
≪栃木県 阿久津富夫≫
Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton, NEC PICONA)
2000/11/03 19:12:46(UT)
I=295.0 II= 86.7 III= 50.0
De= +3.4 E.Dia=47.68"
310mm Newtonian(F5) TeleVue barlow 5x(f/33)
NEC PICONA 1/7sec 2 deg. prism 5 frames composite
2000/11/03 19:23:50(UT)
I=301.7 II= 93.3 III= 56.7
De= +3.4 E.Dia=47.68"
310mm Newtonian(F5) TeleVue barlow 5x(f/33)
NEC PICONA 1/7sec 2 deg. prism 6 frames composite
poor seeing 6/10
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫
Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Minolta DimageEx1500)
2000/11/04 04:27:45 (JST)
2000/11/03 19:27:45 (UT)
CMI = 304.1, CMII = 95.7, CMIII = 59.1
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.68"
9 frames composite
2000/11/04 04:48:19 (JST)
2000/11/03 19:48:19 (UT)
CMI = 316.7, CMII = 108.1, CMIII = 71.5
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.68"
13 frames composite
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm
Camera :Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
Effective F No.: 25 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)
Filter: IR cut & Low-pass built-in the camera
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Exposure : 1/8 sec
Analog gain:6dB
Image Processing;
* The Maximum Entropy Method deconvolution
after composite of the original taking images.
And enhanced with the unsharp masking method.
Seeing = 4/10
Transarency = 4/6
≪大阪府 堺市 新川勝仁≫
Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, NEC PICONA)
≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)
2000/11/03 14:13:06 (UT)
CMI = 112.3, CMII = 265.5, CMIII = 228.9
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.66"
6 frames composite
25cm+12mm+prism 1°+Picona(1/7s)
2000/11/03 14:42:42 (UT)
CMI = 130.3, CMII = 283.4, CMIII = 246.8
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.67"
5 frames composite
25cm+12mm+prism 1°+Picona(1/7s)
2000/11/03 15:40:46 (UT)
CMI = 165.7, CMII = 318.5, CMIII = 281.9
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.67"
5 frames composite
25cm+12mm+prism 1°+Picona(1/7s)
2000/11/03 16:10:14 (UT)
CMI = 183.7, CMII = 336.3, CMIII = 299.7
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.67"
4 frames composite
25cm+12mm+prism 1°+Picona(1/7s)
2000/11/03 16:43:19 (UT)
CMI = 203.9, CMII = 356.3, CMIII = 319.7
De = +3.4, E.Dia = 47.67"
4 frames composite
25cm+12mm+prism 1°+Picona(1/7s)
23時過ぎて3/10。 「数打てば当たる」という池村さんの言葉
を頭におき、撮影開始。 南中前後の25時ごろシ−イング4/10。
もっと良くなるかと期待するも、 26時頃3/10と悪化。 土曜日は
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
Noriyuki Ito (600mm Cassegrain, Digital Video SONY DCR-TRV20)
2000/11/03 13:32:27(UT) 2000/11/03 14:33:06(UT)
CMT= 87.5゜CMU=241.0゜CMV=204.3゜ CMT=124.5゜CMU=277.6゜CMV=240.9゜
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.66" De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.66"
2000/11/03 15:31:47(UT) 2000/11/03 16:31:17(UT)
CMT=160.2゜CMU=313.1゜CMV=276.4゜ CMT=196.5゜CMU=349.1゜CMV=312.4゜
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.67" De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.67"
2000/11/03 17:31:21(UT) 2000/11/03 17:58:34(UT)
CMT=233.1゜CMU= 25.4゜CMV=348.7゜ CMT=249.7゜CMU= 41.8゜CMV= 5.2゜
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.67" De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.68"
2000/11/03 18:28:17(UT) 2000/11/03 19:48:20(UT)
CMT=267.9゜CMU= 59.8゜CMV= 23.1゜ CMT=316.7゜CMU=108.2゜CMV= 71.6゜
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.68" De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.68"
2000/11/03 20:24:31(UT)
CMT=338.7゜CMU=130.0゜CMV= 93.4゜
De= +3.4゜E.Dia=47.68"
新潟県立自然科学館 60cm カセグレン式反射望遠鏡 K-40mm拡大撮影
SONY デジタルビデオカメラ DCR-TRV20画像より各9枚合成
≪新潟県 伊藤紀幸≫
Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, NEC PICONA)
≪京都市山科区 伊賀 祐一≫
Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:200mm F/8.7 Klevtzov-Cassegrain)
2000/11/03 04:00-06:00(U.T.)
Telescope: 8-inch (20cm) f/10 Sch/Cass Mag.: 240x, 290x Filters: Wratten 23A, 64
Seeing (1-10): 6-8, Antoniadi (I-V): III-II Transparency (1-6): 5
Transit Observations:
04:22 U.T. LI 111.8 L3 231.4 WC Oval NEB-S (or EZ-N)
04:40 U.T. L1 122.8 L3 242.3 DC Fest NEB-S
05:38 U.T. L1 158.1 L3 277.3 DC Fest NEB-S
05:50 U.T. L2 321.4 L3 284.6 DC Barge (Rod) NEB-N
I have attached a sectional sketch of an interesting portionof the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) of Jupiter made on November 3, 2000. A prominent NEB-S festoon (2/10) was noted with a long, slender projection (3-5/10) extending from it over the bright (7/10) Equatorial Zone (EZ). Bright (7/10) undulating material was noted within the NEB forming what appeared to be an uneven NEB Zone (NEB-Z). A prominent (2/10) barge (or rod) was noted along the NEB-N enclosing an extremely bright (9/10) oval preceding (p.) and a very bright (8/10) oval following (f.) it. A dark (3/10) condensation was noted p. the NEB-N barge.
[[Carlos E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A Carlos E. Hernandez]]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter2000 Apparition