水星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mercury Image 2001/11/15

Mario Frassati


Mario Frassati(Drawing:203mm F10 SCT, 250 X )
Seeing Ant.:III filter W80A
2001/11/15 08:20(UT)  Thursday 木曜日
CM 175.5d
Ds  +0.02d
De  -0.4d
P   24.8d     北極方向角
Dia  5.06"   視直径
Q=   294.0 d  影方向角
K=   0.94     輝面比
Transit time  11:01:10
R.A. 14h  39m 01s
Dc. - 14d 12' 24"
Elong form Earth   1.33 AU   from SUN   0.41 AU
2000 R.A.  14h  38m 54.8s
2000 Dc. -14d 11' 55"

 this morning I have observed Mercury in a
 wonderful blue sky (after many cloudy days).
 Was a great emotion.  Seeing III Ant.
 Some features were visible:
 I think Solitudo Neptuni with Solitudo
 Phoenicis. A bright area at the limb in the
 Southern em. I send you the drawing.
  Kind regards
 [ Mario Frassati Crescentino (VC) ITALY ]

Japanese By Ikemura
輝面比 0.94ですからほぼ○の状態です。
視直径 5.05" で、よほど条件が良かったのでしょう。

ALPO-Japan Latest Mercury Section