There are meny white clous on around the SPR. A dense cloud located on Argyre 1 and Foelix region. NPR covered faint white clouds.
Broad band of clouds located on Chryse, Xanthe and Tharsis region. Tharsis region was not evident.
West Erythraeum region is very dark seen. This region was not covered by clouds. Thaumasia region is dark seen. Mare Acidarium was considarable obscuration. Perhaps Mare Acidarium and Niliacus Lacus covered faint clouds.
There is a bright spot on the central Tempe region ( by CCD image of the Ikemura's). I may be wrong, this is a starting form of the dust storm.
Akira Kazemoto(203mm Newtonian, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newtonian, Digital still Camera NEC PICONA)
Seeing 6/10
Yukio Oshihoi (210mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)