火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2001/07/03

伊賀祐一,畑中明利,池村俊彦,荒川 毅,中西英和,
安達 誠,奥田耕司,新川勝仁,滝本和彦

H.Einaga,H.Nakanishi,T.Nishitani,Y.Kawahara,Damian Peach

CCD image; from International Mars Watch
             T. Parker, D. Parker, Kent De Groff, CK Yan
           Hideo Einaga, Hidekazu Nakanishi, Teruaki Nishitani,
           Yoshinori Kawahara, Damian Peach, Yuichi Iga,
           Akitoshi Hatanaka, Toshikhiko Ikemura, Tsuyoshi Arakawa,
           kouji Okuda, masahito Niikawa
 黄雲はさらに広がってきました。今回の画像の中で、最も注目されるのは、シレーン(Mare Sinrenum;160°、-30°)の東側に明るい新しい光斑が発生したことです。この光斑はリム近くでとらえられ、ひときわ明るく光って観測されました。この光斑よりも東側では黄雲は広がっておらず、その先端で起こった新しい現象です。発生地点から進んで北風が、ここに来て砂嵐の起こりやすい砂漠のような地形に入り込んで起こった可能性があります。
 南極地方は、エリダニア(Eridania;210°,-45°)の南方までダストストームに覆われ、黄色っぽくなり、肉眼でも青白い輝きは失われました。また、北極地方でも同じことが起こり、プロポンティス1(Propontis1 ;170°,+40°)の暗斑の北側まで、ダストストームに覆われています。インターナショナルマーズウォッチの方からの画像によれば、アマゾニス(Amazonis;150°,+10°)付近からメリディアニ(Meridiani;0°,0°)付近までは、赤道地方に氷晶雲がかかって白く幅の広いバンドがかかっており、この部分についてはノーマルな火星面が見えているようです。また、アキダリウム(Acidarium;30°,+50°)付近には明るい白雲が目立っています。
Explanations M.Adachi
The dust storm became widen. The most prominent object is the Bright in front of the Mare Sirenum. This bright spot was catched near the limb. This bright spot was located the preceiding end of dust storm. The wind moved to the east from a appearance point. And, It arrived on desert. The dust storm becoming very bright spot. Because, it get new sands.
SPR was covered by the dust storm. The SPR of southern Eridania was yellowish bright seen. The other, NPR was covered by dust storm,too.

From International Mars Watch
Equatorial water ice clouds was covered from Amazonis to Meridiani region. This area formed nomal image. There is a bright cloud on the Acidarium.

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)

2001/07/03 11:20:08 (UT)
Ls = 188.94, CM = 168.61
De =  +6.38, Dia = 20.34"
12 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=2/5, F=37
25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)

2001/07/03 12:38:18 (UT)
Ls = 188.97, CM = 187.66
De =  +6.38, Dia = 20.34"
8 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=2/5, F=37
25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)

2001/07/03 13:30:10 (UT)
Ls = 189.00, CM = 200.31
De =  +6.39, Dia = 20.34"
10 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=2/5, F=37
25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)

HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

中西英和 Hidekazu Nakanishi (Meade 250mm SCT, Starlight Xpress MX916 Cooled CCD Camara)

≪愛知県尾西市 中西英和≫

Teruaki Nishitani (210mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2001/07/03 12:46:24(UT)
Ls=188.98 CM=189.64
De=+6.38 Dia=20.34"
21cm F6 Newton(ASKO) Power Mate 5X
NEC Picona 1/7sec.  37 frames composite
                         by T.Nishitani
≪滋賀県甲賀郡 西谷輝昭≫

河原義則 Yoshinori Kawahara (250mm Cassegrain, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2001/07/03 11:23:22(UT)
Ls=188.94 CM=169.39
De= +6.38 Dia=20.34"
10 frames composite
250mm Cassegrain
TeleVue barlow 3x
3deg prism  f=/45
yoshinori kawahara

 ≪愛知県海部郡弥富町 河原義則≫ 

Damian Peach (305mm Meade SCT, 352X drawing)

Observation Time: 21:00 - 22:30 UT
Mars CML: 323degs
Ls: 189.2
Diameter: 20.30"
Altitude of Mars: 10 - 10.5degs.

D. A. Peach, King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK.
12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT.
Magnifications: 406X.
Filters: W#25/Unfiltered.

Seeing initially poor-fair (3-5) at 10degs altitude.
              Deteriorated later to very poor (0-2.)
Seeing initially excellent (7-9) at 50degs,
              but deteriorated later to fair (3-6.)
Transparency v.good (4.5mag.) Wind SE (0-5mph.) No dew.

Comments: Initally fair seeing allowed a reasonable view, but this soon deteriorated, with
"fast" seeing developing, and increasing.

Hellas appeared bright, with a yellowish tint, noticeably different from the ruddy orange desert regions of
Moab etc. The eastern part of Syrtis Major was obscured by dust. I suspected the dust extended as far
north as Boreo Syrtis. Cloud/haze were seen around the NPC area, again toward Cydonia as visible
last night. Also faint clouds/haze over Moab.

Hi all,
Here is an observation from this evening. I was initially going to attempt more images,
but seeing deteriorated. This visual drawing and notes were made at the beginning of the session.
The dust was easily noted around Hellas.
Best Wishes
Moab のひどくオレンジの砂漠の領域と著しく異なる黄ばんだ色調等に関して、
Hellas は、明るいように思われた。
Syrtis Major の東部分は、ダストにより不明瞭であった。
私は、 Boreo  Syrtis あたりまで北方にダストが広がっているように思う。
北極付近は雲か、かすみで覆われているようで、 Cydonia の方は昨夜はよく見えた。
同じく Moab 上のかすかな雲、かすみがある。
ダストは、 Hellas の周辺で容易に注目に値された。

Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2001/07/03 12:08:26(UT)    2001/07/03 12:39:14(UT)
Ls=188.96゜CM=180.38゜     Ls=188.97゜CM=187.89゜
De= +6.38゜Dia=20.34"      De= +6.38゜Dia=20.34"
Seeing:5/10 Transp.:2/5    Seeing:3/10 Transp.:2/5

280mm Schmidt-Cassegrain, XP24mm(f/27)
NEC PICONA 1/7sec, 5 frames composite
2日と同様にMare Cimmeriumが黄雲で見えない。Mare Sirenumの南方が東西に明るいようだ。
≪京都市山科区 伊賀 祐一≫

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain, Video Camera Sony TRV9)

2001/07/03 12:15:00(UT)  13:25:00(UT)
Ls=188.97  Dia=20.34"   Ls=188.99  Dia=20.34"
CM=181.97 DE=+6.38       CM=198.72 DE=+6.38

   40cm Cassegrain(F15)
   Or25mm  sony trv-9
   3 degree Prizum
  ≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫

Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
    シーイング 5/10、透明度 7/10          シーイング 5/10 、透明度 7/10
 ≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫

中西英和 Hidekazu Nakanishi (Meade 250mm SCT, Starlight Xpress MX916 Cooled CCD Camara)

≪愛知県尾西市 中西英和≫

Koji Okuda (250mm Newton, BITRAN BT-01 Cooled CCD Camera)

 ≪滋賀県信楽町 奥田耕司≫

Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Digital still camera Minolta DimageEx1500)

Mars on Jul.03, 2001
Ls = 189.0, De =  +6.4, Dia = 20.3"

2001/07/03 11:52:40 (UT)
CM = 176.5
18 frames composite

2001/07/03 12:26:20 (UT)
CM = 184.8

22 frames composite

2001/07/03 12:50:18 (UT)
CM = 190.6
41 frames composite

2001/07/03 13:06:19 (UT)
CM = 194.5
6 frames composite

2001/07/03 13:42:04 (UT)
CM = 203.2
19 frames composite

2001/07/03 13:58:20 (UT)
CM = 207.2
66 frames composite

2001/07/03 14:30:07 (UT)
CM = 214.9
25 frames composite

2001/07/03 14:42:05 (UT)
CM = 217.8
23 frames composite

2001/07/03 15:07:22 (UT)
CM = 224.0
30 frames composite

2001/07/03 16:00:30 (UT)
CM = 237.0
33 frames composite

2001/07/03 16:14:59 (UT)
CM = 240.5
7 frames composite

Observer:Masahito Niikawa

Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm

Camera:Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
CCD:ICX205AL (Sony Monochrome CCD)

Near UV Images
indicate [U]
Filter: IDAS-U (350nm - 390nm)
Exposure :1 sec Dark corrected
F No.:10 (No Projection)

Blue Images 1
indicate [B]
Filter: B390 (360nm - 500nm)
Exposure :1/2 ~ 1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Blue Images 2
indicate [BG]
Filter: SP-B (380nm - 520nm)
Exposure :1/60 sec
F No.:10 (No Projection)

Near IR Images:
indicate [R]
Filter: R64 (640nm - 1000nm)
Exposure : 1/30 ~ 1/15 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

IR image
indicate [IR]
Filter: IR84 (840nm - 1000nm)
Exposure :1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Seeing = 7/10 -> 3/10
Transparency = 2/6

Image Processing;
Enhanced with unsharp masking method.
[UV] and [BG] images are not enhanced, only composite
and 200% enlargement.

Mare Tyrrhenum, and Hesperia are noted as a dark spot.

Mare Tyrrhenumと Hesperia が一個の暗斑として見える。
               ≪大阪府 堺市 新川勝仁≫

Kazuhiko takimoto (Drawing: 150mm Newtonian)
≪大阪府 池田市 滝本和彦≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section