Mario Frassati(Drawing:203mm F10 SCT, 250 X )
2002/04/17 17:20(UT)
2002/04/17 17:20(UT)
This is a Mercury drawing around 17:20 UT.of April 17
for 10 minutes the seeing was I-II Ant. so was possible to observe Mercury with
400X .
I used w21 filter.
In the best moments of seeing I Ant., some bright and dark features were visible.
Solitudo Phoenicis and Solitudo Atlantis were dark. The Liguria area and the South
Polar Region bright. 3 other unnamed circular bright areas were visible. The first
around approx. lat -10°and long. 190° the other two toward the terminator approx.
to lat.-30° long. 250° and lat.+10° long. 250°.
Kind regards
Mario Frassati
Crescentino (VC) Italy
[ Mario Frassati Crescentino (VC) ITALY ]