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ALPO-Japan Latest
Mercury Image 2002/04/27

Mario Frassati


Mario Frassati(Drawing:203mm F10 SCT, 250 X )
2002/04/27 13:10(UT)
2002/04/27 13:10(UT)
Dear Mercury observers,
the April 27,I observed Mercury in daylight (a very blue sky) over Crescentino (VC) Italy. Easy to find with the Venus aid.
Mercury at 13:10 UT was 65° high above the Monferrato hills!
The seeing was III-IV Ant. but some interesting features were visible.
Solitudo Criophori and Solitudo Phoenicis were dark.
Two circular clear spots were visible (south and north of Solitudo Criophori). A bright area also at the limb
in the southern hemisphere.
Kind regards
Mario Frassati
Crescentino (VC) Italy.
 [ Mario Frassati Crescentino (VC) ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mercury Section