木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/02/13(UT)

永長英夫,阿久津富夫,畑中明利,Clay Sherrod,Antonio Cidadao


Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)
2002/02/13 11:37:23 (UT)
CMI = 288.1, CMII = 119.0, CMIII = 206.5
De =  +2.0, E.Dia = 43.95"
6 frames composite

HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

Tomio Akutsu (320mm Newton, Cooled CCD camera Teleris2)

≪栃木県 阿久津富夫≫

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain, Video Camera Sony TRV9)
  2002/02/13  10:20:35(UT)
     T=241.2  U= 72.5  V= 160.0
     De=+2.13  E.Dia= 43.82"
     15 Frames Composite
     seeing  4~5  /10

     40cm Cassegrain (F15)
     Or 25mm  Collimate
     SONY TRV-9  Video Camera
≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod(310mm Schmidt Olympus C-3000 camera)

Very turbulent seeing, but eeked out a couple of shots early.  NOTE:  the
very dark gray streak noted on 02-12-02 is seen clearly in the color image
just east of the CM; note the intensity of the related festoon best seen in
the B & W CCD image.  Very nice collection of ovals just SW of GRS.  Note
the "pea-shaped" characteristic of oval BA, now very nearly central to the
GRS, and its continuing increased size.
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod  Arkansas  State U.S.A]
 ≪クレイ シェラード アメリカ アーカンサス≫

Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)

Hello all,

Here are my latest jupiter images (Feb 13).

The IR and CH4 images of BA appear to continue to present the appearance
already described. BA continues to be smaller in methane and both GRS and
BA are well separated and apparently undistorted.

There is extensive rift activity in NEB. I call your attention to the IR
bright (although small) rift present at about L1 205. It is associated with
a methane-bright cloud.

Large festoons, very dark in IR are seen.

The S Tr band oval continues to be methane bright.

I would also like to mention the the region immediately "f" the WOS-BA is
now partially occupied by lighter clouds, a fact that mey difficult the
visualization of the small oval that follows BA.

Good observations

 ≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section