木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/03/07(UT)
Ed Grafton,Antonio Cidadao
Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
Hi Jupiter Observers.
After two unusually strong late season cold fronts brought freezing weather
to the Gulf coast of the USA, temperatures finally moderated as we got back
into the steadier tropical air in Houston, Teaxs. The -1 C recorded at my
house came very close to freezing the blossoms off my gratefruit tree.
Here is an observation from March 7th 2002 01:09 UT. Being well past
opposition, Jupiter is about 41 arc seconds in diameter. Ganymede's shadow
can be seen about to exit the globe of Jupiter and is seen oblong by the
foreshortening in longitude. The STZ is currently very nondiscript at this
CM and the STB belt is somewhat faded in this region. The NTB is very
prominent and presents small rifts and spots along it's coarse. Several
prominent festoons are present in the EZ. Barge B-4 is seen just above
(south) of a rift in the NEB having already passed the CM.
The sky was hazy with cirrus passing through, transparency 4-7/10, and
seeing was good, 7/10, with a 8 MPH SSE wind. Light dew was present. The
weather was mild with the temperature in the near 70 F in the early evening.
Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5C CCD and a 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Barlow Projection to f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel.
Image data:
5 BLUE + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
5 GREEN + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
5 RED + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
~35 clear filter, No IR .1 seconds, SBIG filter
Ed Grafton E-Mail: egrafton@ghg.net
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas]
Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)
Please click this image,
You can regard a image of
the original size .
Hi all,
Here are yesterday's images, showing RGS/BA, SSTB ovals, NNTB oval, NEB
rift and the SE disturbance.
BA shows central substructure and continues to present a smaller CH4
counterpart. No co-localization assessment has yet been done on these images.
Notice white spot on "p" side of GRS, mostly in IR, R.
Some mid-SEB white clouds in the disturbance that follows the GRS are
methane bright. The SE disturbance is well seen in IR and methane, and is
again approaching the GRS region.
Notice the NEB WOS/barge pair that is N of the GRS. The barge was
completely surrounded by rift's bright material in Mar04 (images to follow
shortly) and the WOS/barge pair was then more separated.
Good observations
≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao Oeiras - Portugal ]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Section