木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/03/10(UT)
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (310mm Schmidt Olympus C-3000 camera)
Seeing fair to good. Note the intensely bright NEB oval WS-4 just east
(left)of CM, followed by barge B-1 which appears to now be intersecting the
fol. edge of WS-4. Note also the very fine activity that appears to be
beginning near the CM and following within the STrZ, this perhaps related to
the associated activity that has developed in that current during recent
weeks. Also, intensification of the NTB begins very near this CM.
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
Arkansas Sky Observatory
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod Arkansas State U.S.A]
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ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Section