木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/04/06(UT)

Clay Sherrod,Damian Peach


Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (310mm Schmidt Olympus C-3000 camera)
A couple of nice image preceding the GRS prior to Jupiter sinking low in the
west and turbulent air preceeding a massive warm front headed our way...More

Seeing poor to fair - Some nice activity and detail visible within the SSTC
and southern latitudes.  Note the very wide and deep NEBs rift curving
westward at the CM.  Very beautiful indentation effect of barge on far left
limb.  Much interesting activity within the NEZ!

Wonderful activity seen preceding and south of the GRS.  NEB is very
turbulent and unsettled in this region.

Seeing the worst and Jupiter very low in the western sky; haze is causing
the noticeable discoloration.  Some nice contrast features are visible,
however, in the STrZ around and south of the GRS as well as in the NEZ.

[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod  Arkansas  State U.S.A]
 ≪クレイ シェラード アメリカ アーカンサス≫

Damian Peach (12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/21.0. ST-5c camera)
Hi all,

Here are some images from this evening. Winds were extremely gusty (up to
40mph!.), and i was only able to obtain images due to my house acting as a
partial wind break!. None the less, winds caused allot of problems in obtaining
clear images, but seeing was reasonable.

The area following NEBn barges B5 and B6 was presented this evening. This
area is less active compared to all the activity around the GRS area, which
is presented tomorrow.

Best Wishes



D. A. Peach, Rochester, Kent, UK.
12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/29.1. SBIG ST-5c camera.
SBIG RGB Filter set.

Total Exposure Times:

Integrated Light (No IR rejection): 20 x 0.19 secs
Red Light: 2 x 0.40 secs
Green Light: 2 x 0.40 secs
Blue Light: 4 x 0.45 secs

Seeing fair-good (4-7.)
Transparency excellent (5.5mag +.)
Wind very gusty ESE (10-40mph!.)
No dew.

Equatorial Diam= 37.0"
Altitude=55 degs.

Hi all,
Here is some further data from April 6th i recently got processed. I still have a fair amount of data
from several nights from March/April (which i didnt get time to process until now) to send in the
coming days. A small strip map is also attached showing the area around NEBn B-7.
This sequence actually turned out to be the best from that session - a shame i finally processed it 6
weeks late!.
Best Wishes
Damian Peach. ALPO/BAA Jupiter Sections.
                            BAA Saturn Section.
E-mail: dpeach78@netscapeonline.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.the-planets.co.uk/
BAA Saturn Section:
BAA Jupiter Section:
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
 ≪ダミアン−ピーチ イギリス≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section