木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/05/04(UT)
Damian Peach
Damian Peach (12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/21.0. ST-5c camera)
Hi all,
Here are some Jupiter images from yesterday evening. The images show the B-4, 5 and 6
longitudes. The images were taken with a new C-11 on CI-700 mount. Jupiter is really small now
(34"), and getting lower each day, so realistically there are only a few weeks left for high res
imaging before it starts getting to low.
Best Wishes
D. A. Peach, Rochester, Kent, UK.
11" (28 cm) Celestron SCT @ f/31.4. SBIG ST-5c camera.
SBIG RGB Filter set.
Total Exposure Times:
Integrated Light (No IR rejection): 40 x 0.20 secs
Red Light: 7 x 0.40 secs
Green Light: 8 x 0.40 secs
Blue Light: 10 x 0.45 secs
Seeing initally good (6-8), but deteriorated later due to heat rising from
nearby house.
Transparency variable, with frequent high clouds, ocassional cumulus (cloud
- 5.5mag +.)
Wind NNW (5-10mph.) No dew.
Equatorial Diam= 34.4"
Altitude=40 degs.
Damian Peach. ALPO/BAA Jupiter Sections.
BAA Saturn Section.
E-mail: dpeach78@netscapeonline.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.the-planets.co.uk/
BAA Saturn Section:
BAA Jupiter Section:
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
≪ダミアン−ピーチ イギリス≫
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section