土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2002/09/14(UT)
Ed Grafton
Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST5 CCD )
Hi Guys
Here is an image that was taken on Sept. 14th 2002 from Houston Texas at
6:11 UT. There is just a hint of spoke like features present in the right
hand b ring, but perhaps it is processing artifacts.
Saturn image : November 09-14-2002 at 6:11 UT
Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5 CCD, 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Barlow Projection @ f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel
Integration Times:
10 BLUE w/rejection, .6 seconds, SBIG filters
10 GREEN w/rejection, .6 seconds, SBIG filters
10 RED w/rejection, .6 seconds, SBIG filters
20 no filter .2 seconds for Luminance
Seeing was good 8/10. Transparency below average 3-4/10, wind calm, heavy
dew, ground fog present.
Ed Grafton
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Section