土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2002/09/29(UT)

Ed Grafton


Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST5 CCD 5)

Here is the color image from the best set taken September 29th 2002. The
spot is very low contrast but may be visible under excellent seeing with a
decent scope with good contrast. The Luminace for the image was taken over a
few minutes centered at 11:28 UT and the chrominace a few minutes prior to

The CMs at 11:28 UT are CM1 374, CM2 289, CM3 94. The spot is very near the
CM at the time of the images or perhaps just prior to the CM.

  Image data:
        L = 64 .25 sec exposures clear filter
        R = 15 .60 sec exposures red filter
        G = 15 .60 sec exposures green filter
        B = 15 .6o sec exposures blue filter
Seeing was good to excellent 8-9/10. Transparancy was good 7/10, no
wind and heavy dew.
The spot can be seen to rotate with the globe from the images below.

2002/09/29 10:40 (UT) I=345.9 III= 68.1

2002/09/29 11:09 (UT) I= 2.9 III= 84.4

2002/09/29 11:18 (UT) I= 8.2 III= 89.5

2002/09/29 11:28 (UT) I= 14.1 III= 95.1

Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5 CCD, 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT Barlow Projection @ f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel. seeing 8/10 transpancy 7/10 heavy dew

Gif anyme

Ed Gra
   [Ed Grafton, Houston Texas]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section