土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2002/10/22(UT)
Damian Peach
Damian Peach (12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/21.0. ST-5c camera)
D. A. Peach, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Isl.
11" (28 cm) Celestron SCT @ f/31.4. SBIG ST-5c camera.
SBIG RGB Filter set.
Total Exposure Times:
Integrated Light: 120 x 0.38 secs
Red Light: 10 x 0.60 secs
Green Light: 10 x 0.60 secs
Blue Light: 15 x 0.60secs
Seeing generally excellent (7-10.)
Transparency v. good (5.0mag+), with ocassional high cirrius from NW.
Wind ENE (0-5mph.) No dew.
Equatorial Diam= 19.6"
Altitude=54 degs.
Here all all the images from the 22nd processed for a high contrast appearance, and also a small
animation. Features can easily be noted rotating across the EZ.
Yet again!, i am moving apartment tomorrow (to the very southern tip of the island) much closer
to our workplace. The new site has an ocean horizon from E to W, from a roof patio at about
20m above the ground (the new "observatory".) Will be able to continue imaging as usual, but
wont be online again until next week.
Hi all,
Here are some Saturn images from the morning of the 22nd. Very good seeing allowing some
spectacular views visually at 600x. I also attach a small high-contrast version showing the
belt/zone structure clearly.
Hi all,
Since the weather has been poor the last 3 days, i
decided to re process some Saturn data from
October 22nd - but using the best frames aquired over
a period of around 30 mins to produce a
pictorial image of the Planet, which can be used to
show the belt/ring structure, but not transient
The result is, i feel my finest image of any Solar
System object to date. Here is the image information:
Celestron 11" (28cm) SCT @ f/31.4 (0.23"/pixel.)
SBIG ST-5c camera, from Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife.
Integrated Light: ~160 x 0.35 secs.
Red Light + IR Rejection: ~40 x 0.45secs
Green Light + IR Rejection: ~30 x 0.45secs
Blue Light + IR Rejection: ~45 x 0.50 secs.
Features revealed include the 0.05" Encke Division,
the dark 2000km south polar cap, and several
ring B albedo minima. Also, many fine belts/zones
across the globe can be identified.
I also suspect the image shows a slight colour
assymetry to the ring system, across the part of
ring A where is crosses the Planet.
I think it must be close to the limit of what the 11"
can produce, but its also pleasing that the scope
was able to capture a clear view of one of the sky's
most wonderful objects.
Fingers crossed something of similar resolution can be
produced of a 25" Mars :).
Best Wishes
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
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ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Section