木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2003/01/12(UT)

三品利郎,森田光治,永長英夫,仁科淳良,柚木健吉,河原義則,伊賀祐一,阿久津富夫,平林 勇,
Clay Sherrod,Christophe Pellier,Damian Peach,Eric Ng,Paulo Casquinha


Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian, Digital still camera Nikon CoolPix990)
≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫

Mitsuji Morita(203mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
この時期としては比較的安定していました(seeing 6-7/10, transp. 4/5)。フェス
≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫

≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)
2003/01/12 13:04:16 (UT)
CMI = 322.6, CMII = 132.2, CMIII = 308.3
De =  +0.0, E.Dia = 44.83"
7 frames composite
25cm+barlow3x +prism 1 deg + Picona(1/7s)

2003/01/12 13:21:53 (UT)
CMI = 333.3, CMII = 142.9, CMIII = 319.0
De =  +0.0, E.Dia = 44.83"
11 frames composite
25cm+barlow3x +prism 1 deg + Picona(1/7s)

2003/01/12 14:39:33 (UT)
CMI =  20.7, CMII = 189.8, CMIII =   5.9
De =  +0.0, E.Dia = 44.84"
7 frames composite
25cm+barlow3x +prism 1 deg + Picona(1/7s)

2003/01/12 15:40:23 (UT)
CMI =  57.8, CMII = 226.6, CMIII =  42.7
De =  +0.0, E.Dia = 44.84"
7 frames composite
25cm+barlow3x + Picona(1/7s)

2003/01/12 16:40:25 (UT)
CMI =  94.4, CMII = 262.9, CMIII =  79.0
De =  +0.0, E.Dia = 44.84"
5 frames composite
25cm+barlow3x + Picona(1/7s)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

Atuyoshi Nishina (250mm Mewlon Disital Still Camera Casio QV-8000SX)
2003/01/12 15:43:00(UT)
I= 59.4 II=228.2 III= 44.3
De= +0.0 E.Dia=44.84"
40frames composite

Seeing was quite good.  Small white spots were
observable on STrZ with the naked eye. However,
it was difficult to express on the picture.

≪埼玉県上尾市  仁科淳良≫

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ST-5c)
2003/01/12 18:00:00(UT)
I=142.9 II=311.0 III=127.1
De= +0.0 E.Dia=44.85"
200mm Newtonian f/7
ST-5c XP14 exp.:0.06sec.
4 frames composite



≪大阪府  堺市  柚木健吉≫

河原義則 Yoshinori Kawahara (250mm Cassegrain, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
seeing 4/10

≪愛知県海部郡弥富町  河原義則≫

Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
2003/01/12 13:21:27(UT)                  2003/01/12 13:49:36(UT)
I=333.0 II=142.6 III=318.7               I=350.2 II=159.6 III=335.7
De= +0.0 E.Dia=44.83"                    De= +0.0 E.Dia=44.84"
10 frames composite                      7 frames composite

280mm SCT, XP24mm(f/27)  NEC PICONA 1/7sec  Seeing:6/10 Transp.:2/5

≪京都市山科区  伊賀 祐一≫

Tomio Akutsu (320mm Newton, Cooled CCD camera Teleris2)

≪栃木県 阿久津富夫≫
Isamu.Hirabayashi(200mm Newton, Drawing )
2003/01/12 15:30(UT)
CM1: 51.3  CM2: 220.2  CM3: 36.4
Seeing: 7-8/10   Transp: 3/5
20cm Newton. X 366 (VinoView)
Isamu Hirabayashi (Hino-City,Tokyo,Japan)


2003/01/12 16:22(UT)
CM1: 83.0  CM2: 251.7  CM3: 67.8
Seeing: 8-9/10   Transp: 3.5/5
20cm Newton. X 366 (VinoView)
Isamu Hirabayashi (Hino-City,Tokyo,Japan)

Isamu Hirabayashi (Tokyo,Japan)
≪東京都日野市  平林 勇≫

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (310mm Schmidt Olympus C-3000 camera)
Got a pretty clean shot of Jupiter this morning prior to thick clouds moving
in; no chance of the CM transit of the GRS afterwards.  However a great deal
of interesting detail here.....
2003/01/12 10:42(UT)

Jupiter with very steady skies; note the converging white spots in the South
Temperate Current near (and possibly being affected by) the GRS; the dark
streak pr. the "point" of the GRS is increasing in breadth and intensity at
this time and bears watching, as does a small dusky oval south of this
streak and also pr. the GRS at its perimeter; note the secondary belt
immediately S. of the GRS streak as well.  The prominent blue-gray feature
within the NEZ/NEBn is well shown and appears to be intensifying somewhat as
is "rolling" activity within the NEZ.  Note the very dark and increasingly
intense barge in the NNTB.
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod  Arkansas  State U.S.A]
≪クレイ  シェラード  アメリカ  アーカンサス≫

Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)
Dear all,
here is an image from this morning.
Seeing was fairly good but the instrument slightly out-of focus.
A drastic selection of the best raw frames have, however, almost permitted to overcome the difficulty (only 172 have been chosen).
As Clay has pointed it the little STropB preceding GRS seems more important.
Best regards

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
≪クリストフ ペリア フランス≫

Damian Peach (50cm Cassegrain (2387m) with the webcam)

Hi all,

Here are some Jupiter images from the 12th. After a
week of constant cloud cover and/or poor seeing, it
finally broke up for a while long enough last night to
obtain some images.

The GRS and SSTC ovals were presented. Nothing really
of special note, other than the NTB remains rifted.
Its also worth noting again, that no such images could
have been obtained with the cooled camera under the
prevailing seeing.

The weather improvment was brief, as today its
raining. After a decent start to the month, its really
been bad of late. Fingers crossed Feb 1st-2nd is
clear, when i will be spending the whole night using
the Teide Observatory's 50cm Cassegrain (2387m) with
the webcam, and hopefully obtain a complete rotation
of Jupiter for opposition night.
Best Wishes
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
≪ダミアン−ピーチ  イギリス≫

Eric Ng (10" F6 Newtonian homebuilt reflector : ToUcam Pro)
Dear friends,
The sky in Hong Kong has been clear for last few days though it was quite misty. I took the Io Transite last ngiht and from the attached image, Io and it's shadow are shown on the Jovian surface. And interesting to see there is still a short part of NTB visible.

Hi friends,
Finally retrieved the best version of the Io transit from the avi files taken on 12 Jan. This one was processed from the 1 minute duration movie clip in order to prevent smearing out of features. Moreover, the Io image generated by solar system simulator shows that the polar regions are darker whic h also shown on the close up view of the Io.

Wishing you all like it.
Kind Regards,
[Eric Ng, Tai Po site Hong Kong]
Paulo Casquinha ( 200mm f/5 Newton Reflector Toucam Pro)

Jupiter in a good cold night
[Paulo Casquinha  Palmela, Portugal  site: 38.567 N /8.933 W  Alt 124 m]
≪パウロ コスキナ ポルトガル≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section