木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2003/04/03(UT)
Ed Grafton,Paulo Coelho
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)
2003/04/03 09:53:37 (UT)
CMI = 41.7, CMII = 314.3, CMIII = 151.9
De = +0.2, E.Dia = 40.73"
8 frames composite
Seeing=3-4/10 Trans.=1/5
25cm+barlow3x +Picona(1/7s)
2003/04/03 11:03:24 (UT)
CMI = 84.2, CMII = 356.5, CMIII = 194.1
De = +0.2, E.Dia = 40.72"
10 frames composite
Seeing=3/10 Trans.=1/5
25cm+barlow3x +Picona(1/7s)
2003/04/03 12:37:49 (UT)
CMI = 141.8, CMII = 53.5, CMIII = 251.2
De = +0.2, E.Dia = 40.71"
8 frames composite
Seeing=4-5/10 Trans.=1/5
25cm+barlow3x +Picona(1/7s)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
Mitsuyuki Neichi (250mm Newtonian, SONY DV TRV900)
2003/04/03 13:11:58(UT)
I=162.6 II= 74.2 III=271.8
De= +0.2 E.Dia=40.71"
25cm F6ニュートン反射 Pentax XL 10.5mm コリメート
SONY DVカメラ TRV900 1/30秒 1202frames composite
Seeing 7/10
≪青森県三戸郡 根市満之≫
Ed Grafton (C 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST5 CCD medium resolution mode)
Hi Jupiter Observers
Here are observations from
April 1st 2003 at 01:57 UT and
April 3rd 2003 at 03:26 UT
April 1st image data:
The transparency was excelent, 9/10 and the seeing was fair, 4/10 with a
5mph N. wind and no dew. The weather was mild with the temperatures in the
low 60s F in the early evening.
Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5C CCD and a 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Barlow Projection to f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel.
Image data:
10 BLUE + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
10 GREEN + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
10 RED + IR rejection, .3 seconds, SBIG filter
50+ clear filter, No IR .11 seconds, SBIG filter
Ed Grafton
April 3rd Image
The transparency was poor, 3/10 and the seeing was fair, 4/10 with a 7mph E.
wind and no dew. The weather was mild with the temperatures in the low 60s F
in the early evening.
Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5C CCD and a 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Barlow Projection to f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel.
Image data:
10 BLUE + IR rejection, .4 seconds, SBIG filter
10 GREEN + IR rejection, .4 seconds, SBIG filter
10 RED + IR rejection, .4 seconds, SBIG filter
50+ clear filter, No IR .14 seconds, SBIG filter
Ed Grafton
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas U.S.A.]
Paulo Coelho (8inch Celestron SCT + Toucam Pro Webcam)
[Montijo, Portugal]
≪パウロ セホ ポルトガル≫
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Section