木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2003/06/05(UT)

Christophe Pellier


Hideto.Fukui (Miulon 210mm , Digital Video TRV900)
[Hideto.Fukui  (Kyoto City  Japan)]
≪京都府  京都市  福井英人≫

Kazuyoshi Maeda (350mm Newton, Philips ToUcam Pro)
≪京都府 亀岡市 前田和儀≫

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Toucam Pro Webcam)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫

Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)

Dear all :
After Damian's best shots we are now going back to the current observing
conditions on Jupiter... ;-))
Seeing is generally very poor now but on june 5 it reached an incredible 5 /
10 during twilight and I managed to get this image. I tried to have the blue
background to disappear under Iris, but I don't know which color version is
best so I put both. An UV/IR cut filter was also used for the first time but
it's difficult to know if this brings any changes to the image.
I maybe see some white structures in the STC but this is not clear. The GRS
is still very colored, and the NEB barges (like B4) are also still visible.
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]
≪クリストフ  ペリエ  フランス≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section