火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2003/06/21(UT)

根市満之,仁科淳良,阿久津弘明,新井 優,
Christophe Pellier,Ferruccio Zanotti,Tan Wei Leong,David M Moore,In-Joon Hwang,Fabio Acquarone


捉えられています。ペリエ(Christophe Pellier)氏の画像ではシルチス
(Syrtis major;290W,+10)の東側は相変わらず白い雲のでている様子が分かり
す。レオング(Tan Wei Leong)氏の画像ではトリビウム・カロンティス
(Trivium Charontis;200W,+20)がきれいな暗斑になっているのが捉えられて
られています。ニクス・オリンピカ(Nix Olumpica;125W,+20)は午後になっ
てもまだ雲はかからない様です。(reported by 8 observers)

June 21th, 2003
In the image of Neichi, the white cloud of Tharsis (95W,+10) is
clearly recorded. Also, the North Pole, too, is covered with white
fog. Hiroaki Akutsu is recording the state that darkfringe became
thick. Cristophe Pellier recorded the state that cloud can be
still seen in the east of Syrtis major(290W,+10). However, as for
this cloud, the way of falling is quite different when the
photography condition is different. Tan Wei Leong recorded the
state that Trivium Charontis(200W,+20) becomes a black point. As
for Erysium(215W,+20), yet, cloud doesn't come out. Also, yet
cloud can not be seen in Nix Olympica(125W,+20), too.

Mitsuyuki Neichi (250mm Newtonian, SONY DV TRV900)
2003/06/21 17:35:33(UT)
Ls=207.44 CM=129.32

De=-21.30 Dia=15.18" P=348.73
25cm F6ニュートン反射 Pentax XL 10.5mm コリメート
SONY DVカメラ TRV900 1/60秒     2255frames composite
Seeing 6/10
≪青森県三戸郡  根市満之≫

Atuyoshi Nishina (250mm Mewlon ;ToUcam Pro)
2003/06/21 17:44:00(UT)
Ls=207.45 CM=131.61

De=-21.21 Dia=15.18" P=348.73
752frames composite


The resolution of works sent from the foreign country is wonderful.
The antarctic dark part could be seen.

≪埼玉県上尾市  仁科淳良≫

Hiroaki Akutsu(280mm Newtonian(F4.3), ToUcam )

≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
Masaru Arai (280mmSMC Newton, Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K)
2003/06/21 18:35:00(UT)
280mm SCT ,LE18mm(f/25)
Philips ToUcam Pro ,1/25 sec
320 frames composite
Seeng:5/10 Transp.:3/5
[Masaru Arai Yorii-machi  Saitama-Prefecture  Japan]
≪埼玉県寄居町  新井 優≫

Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)

Hi all : this morning the seeing was good and the transparency excellent.
I've been able to make three series of images ; and for the first time I've
managed to get a correct image with a "normal" color avi file of the ToUcam
despite the low altitude of the planet.
Note that the three blue images all show clearly the dark markings of the
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]
≪クリストフ  ペリエ  フランス≫

Ferruccio Zanotti (Newtonian 450 closed ad 170 mm : webcam Philips ToUcam pro)

[Ferruccio Zanotti ,  Ferrara-Italy]

Tan Wei Leong(250mm Dall Kirkham ; Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K camera)
Dear friends
The sky has been clear again and I managed to obtain some mars images
Attached is the mars image from this morning.

Transparency was poorer this morning 6/10 and seeing was 5/10.
I had to reduce the F ratio to f/60.8 (2.5x powermate + 2x barlow)
Stacking of 1000 frames out of 1800 frames at 1/25 sec gain at 60%
There are a few other avi that I will get to process later and they
will be send out in due time.
Clear Skies to everyone.
Attached is an additional mars image from 21st June 2003.
This image is done with the true tech magneta filter and IR blocker.

The main difference between the UV-IR filtered image and with the
UV-IR+magneta filter is the lack of green ghost (surface details)
in the B frame as well as no saturation of following limb in the Red frame.
The raws are much easier to process.
This method with the magneta filter works as expected according to the article.
[Tan Wei Leong  Singapore]
≪タンウェイレオング  シンガポール≫

David M. Moore(25cm Newtonian, Philips ToUcam)

These images were taken Saturday morning in good seeing.
Quite a bit of detail visible in these. One of my best Mars images.
Approximately 120 images were combined to make each of these.
The RGB image is with a synthesized Green image by combining the R
and B to make an average.
[ David M Moore Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A]

In-Joon Hwang (Vixen SC235L 235mm SC : Nikon Coolpix 4500)

Hi all
Attached was my Mars image taken from June 21st, 2003 with bad Transperency ( 2/5 )
and fair Seeing (5/10).
[In-Joon Hwang, Kyungki-do, Korea]
[黄 仁駿 ファン イン ジュン 韓国]

Fabio Acquarone(150mm :Toucam Pro)

 here my first image of Mars. Instruments was:
 INTES MK66DELUXE   d.150mm  -  focal 1800mm -  f12
    Toucam Pro     Barlow Televue 3x      Baader IR cut filter
    W2k as O.S. for acquisition  Data on images are OK??
I hope to contribute in the future to your research.....
Best Regards
[ Fabio Acquarone Genoa ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section