火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2003/08/24(UT)

森田光治,米山誠一,沼澤茂美,鈴木邦彦,荒川 毅,前田和儀,林敏夫,伊賀祐一,新井 優,山崎誠,大河巨和,柚木健吉,小石川正弘,畑中明利,福井英人,瀧本和彦,小山田博之,
Clay Sherrod,Frank J Melillo,Christophe Pellier,Carmelo Zannelli,Paulo Casquinha,Plinio Camaiti,Donald C Parker,Ed Grafton,Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Tan Wei Leong,Nicolas Biver,Gianni Tumino,Domenico Licchelli,Cristian Fattinnanz,Olivier Meeckers,Guilherme Grassmann,Damian Peach,Hubble Space Telescope


CM=(5 9 10 12 17 21 35 39 68 74 81 100 196 198 200 205 207 209 211 216 218 220 224 226 229 231 240 247 254 324 335 341 345 356 357)
シェロッド(Clay Sherrod)氏は北極付近の雲がかなり複雑に入り乱れている様
子を記録している。タン・ウェイ・レオング(Tan Wei leong)氏は南極冠の縮
ビバー(Nicolas Biver)氏は火星の衛星のスケッチを報告されている。スケッ
チによる報告は、今シーズン初めての事だ。(reported by 34 observers)

August 24th, 2003
The cloud which is conspicuous on both sides of SPC like previous day
comes out. It will be permitted to think that this is fog.
Blueclearing still comes out. Clay Sherrod recorded the state that the
cloud which was jumbled up near NPR can be seen. Tan Wei Leong recorded
the detailed state of SPC. He recorded that dry ice is sublimated and
that the edge of SPC can be dimly seen. It is possible to see Nobs
Mons well. The cloud of NPR could have been separately seen. The one
which is nearer the pole is more brightly recorded. It doesn't find a
difference with light well. Nicolas Biver reported the observation of
the satellite in Mars. The observation of the drawing is this season

Mitsuji Morita(203mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
seeing 6/10   transp. 3/5
≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫

Seiichi Yoneyama(200mm F4 Newton,ToUcam PRO)
≪神奈川県横浜市  米山誠一≫

Sigemi Numazawa (350mm SC : ToUcam PRO)

[Sigemi Numazawa : Niigata-City Niigata-Prefecture Japan]
≪新潟県 新潟市 沼澤茂美≫

Kunihiko Suzuki(190mm Newtonian, Spectra Source Instruments Lynxx2000)
2003/08/24 16:05:40(UT) CM=240.3
190mm Newtonian, A-16mm
Lynxx2000, Red=1.0s (8 frames composite)
Seeing:5/10 Transp:2/5
[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, ToUcam Pro)
seeing 5/10  ,  trans. 1/5  ,  1/25sec  ,  20fps × 75sec
シーイングも良いとはいえませんでしたが、IR cut filter の有無での画像を並べてみました。
≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫

Kazuyoshi Maeda (350mm Newton, Philips ToUcam Pro)

今夜はBAD シーイング 3/10 データになりそうもないレベル
≪京都府 亀岡市 前田和儀≫
林敏夫 Toshio Hayashi (355mm Schumidt-Cassegrain, Philips ToUcam Pro )
≪京都府京都市  林敏夫≫

Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, Philips ToUcam Pro)
2003/08/24            Ls=247.28, De=-19.06, Dia=25.07"
14:26:48(UT)  CM=216.00 563 frames stacked, no IR-cut
14:33:34(UT)  CM=217.65 582 frames stacked, IR-cut
280mm SCT, XP24mm(f/42), Philips ToUcam Pro
1/33sec, 60sec exposured, Registax, Seeing:3-4/10 Transp.:2/5
Y.Iga(Kyoto, JAPAN)
≪京都市山科区  伊賀 祐一≫

Masaru Arai (280mmSMC Newton, Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K)
003/08/24 15:07:00(UT)
280mm SCT ,Extender(f/34)
Philips ToUcam Pro ,1/25 sec
1000frames composite
Seeng:4/10 Transp.:2/5

[Masaru Arai Yorii-machi  Saitama-Prefecture  Japan]
≪埼玉県寄居町  新井 優≫

Makoto Yamasaki(200mm Newtonian, Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K)
[Fukuoka-city Fukuoka-Prefecture Japan]
≪山崎誠   福岡県 福岡市≫

Hirokazu Ohkawa (300mmNewtonian, SONY VX2000)
[Takahashi-City Okayama-Prefecture Japan]
≪岡山県 高梁市 大河巨和≫

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫

Masahiro Koishikawa(260mm Newtonian, Philips ToUcam PRO)
≪宮城県仙台市  小石川正弘≫

≪宮城県仙台市  小石川正弘≫

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain, ToUcam Pro)
No. 1 2003/08/24 13:15:00(UT)CM=198.2d  910 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/50sec15 fps sbig IR broker filterkenko skylight filter
No. 2 2003/08/24 13:22:00(UT)CM=199.9d 1358 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/25secFUJI IR80Filter
No. 3 2003/08/24 13:27:00(UT)CM=200.9d 1062 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/25sec15 fps sbig IR broker filterkenko skylight filtSBIG B Filter
No. 4 No.2 & No.3 R(G)B composite
No. 5 2003/08/24 14:13:00(UT)CM=212.3d  984 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/50sec15 fps sbig IR broker filterkenko skylight filter
No. 6 2003/08/24 14:20:00(UT)CM=214.0d 1223 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/25secFUJI IR80Filter
No. 7 2003/08/24 14:25:00(UT)CM=215.2d  850 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/25sec15 fps sbig IR broker filterkenko skylight filtSBIG B Filter
No. 8 No.6 & No.7 R(G)B composite
No. 9 2003/08/24 15:22:00(UT)CM=229.1d  750 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/50sec15 fps sbig IR broker filterkenko skylight filter
No.10 2003/08/24 15:30:00(UT)CM=231.1d 1706 Video Frames Compositeexposure = 1/25secFUJI IR80Filter
40cm Cassegrain+Vari-Extender(F30) 4 degree Prisum Philips ToUcam Pro Rezistax
≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

Hideto Fukui (250mm Dall Kirkham, Philips ToUcam Pro)

[Hideto.Fukui  (Kyoto City  Japan)]
≪京都府  京都市  福井英人≫

Kazuhiko takimoto (Drawing: 150mm Newtonian)

≪和歌山県東牟婁郡 瀧本和彦≫
Hiroyuki.Oyamada (TOA-130(130mm,f:1000mm, Toucam Pro)
2003/8/24 11:54(UT)
Ls:246.9 CM:178.6
De:-19.1 Dia:25.1

TOA-130(130mm,f:1000mm)   Toucam Pro
1/25sec   1800frames composite
Tele Vue ×3 Barlow
Seeing: 7/10, Transp:8/10
Images were obtained in Port Douglas(Australia)
Hiroyuki Oyamada(Hadano,Japan)

2003/8/24 14:08(UT)
Ls:246.9 CM:211.2
De:-19.1 Dia:25.1

TOA-130(130mm,f:1000mm)   Toucam Pro
1/25sec   1800frames composite
Tele Vue ×3 Barlow
Seeing: 7/10, Transp:8/10
Images were obtained in Port Douglas(Australia)
Hiroyuki Oyamada(Hadano,Japan)
Digital still camera OLYMPUS  CAMEDIA C-4040ZOOM
≪神奈川県 秦野市 小山田博之≫

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (410mm SC : ToUcam PRO)

Mars in fairly steady skies and very heavy air, for a brief moment before thick clouds. Note the re-emergence of some detail within the North Polar Region/NP Hood. There is a distinct location of intense luminescence, perhaps the re-emergence of the northern cap as Mars' northern hemisphere approaches winter. Some very small clouds within the northern regions of Solis Lacus, these being the only features to be revealed in the blue light image. Some very thin high blue clouds are revealed on the Pr. terminator (left)
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod Arkansas State U.S.A]
Frank J Melillo(Celestron 203mm Schmidt Starlight Xpress MX-5)
Dear all -
Mars was imaged August 24, 2003 at 5:12 UT. The seeing was below average while the cold front had passed through earlier Saturday morning. The adaptive optics was a big help and one image came out pretty decently.

Solis Lacus is seen almost in the center. Olympus Mons is visible as a white patch near to the morning limb at 4 o'clock position. As of now, Mars is looking pretty much normal with no dust or mimum amount of dust.
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)

Hi all : again poor seeing last night. There have been a correct moment
however when I used the RG610 filter.
It's interesting to note a very conspicuous morning haze over Solis Lacus
and Tharsis ; and still a dust streak on Mare Acidalium.
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]

Carmelo Zannelli ( 412mm Newtonian: Philips ToUcam pro)

2003/08/24 00:32(UT)  R.A.: 22h 42m 22.87s  Dec.: -15ー 25' 38.0"
Constellation: Aquarius Altitude: 21ー 6' 37" Azimuth: 176ー 39' 52"
Magnitude: -2.9 Phase: 0.997 Phase angle: 6.4ー  Elongation: 171.2ー
Diameter: 25.06"       True distance: 0.3735363 AU (56 million km)
Horizontal parallax: 23.54"  Seeing: 7/10; Transp.: 8/10;
Telescope: Newton homebuild D= 412 mm. F= 1790 mm. f/4,3;
Camera:  Webcam Philips Toucam Pro + W 25 red filter  -   15 FPS at 1/25 s. exposure;
Eyepiece projection: Meade SP 15 mm -  about F/26 (10,8 meters);
290 frames of 1800 stacked with Registax;
Site: Ventimiglia di Sicilia - (Palermo) Sicily  -  ITALY;
Acquisition: K3CCDTools;

2003/08/24 00:32:00(UT)  Ls=246.92 CM= 12.39  De=-19.00 Dia=25.06" P=345.63
Seeing: 5-7/10; Transp.: 8/10;
Telescope: Newton homebuild D= 412 mm. F= 1790 mm. f/4,3;
Camera:  Webcam Philips Toucam Pro + W 25 red filter  -   15 FPS at 1/25 s. exposure;
Eyepiece projection: Meade SP 15 mm -  about F/26 (10,8 meters);
290 of 1800 frames with W25 filter for RIR image &  505 of 1800 frames for RGB image with IR-Cut filter stacked with Registax 2.0;
Site: Ventimiglia di Sicilia - (Palermo) Sicily  -  ITALY;
Acquisition: K3CCDTools;
Elaboration: Registax 2.0; Astroart 3.0; Photoshop 7.0
[Carmelo Zannelli ,  Sicily-Italy]

Paulo Casquinha ( 200mm f/5 Newton Reflector Toucam Pro)

2003/08/23 03:45:00(UT)  Ls=246.37 CM= 68.29  De=-19.02 Dia=25.02" P=345.50
Mars with poor seeing 4/10 transparency 3/10     heavy dew
the L channel is the pancrhomatic result of an Avi File obtained without IRB filter
(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W  Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha  Palmela, Portugal] 

Plinio Camaiti(280mm SC:Toucam Pro)
[ Plinio Camaiti:Cerrina Tololo Murisengo ITALY ]

Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)

D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian
ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    13s 1-3  images
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.32s 8-9 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.00s  8-9 images
Images bias,flat and dark corrected.

Seeing poor to fair (4-6 Pickering), image excursion.  Transparency 4.5 m.
No wind. Altitude =43-46 degrees. No dew.

Violet Clearing - 2+. No dust clouds noted. Martian atmosphere clear.
Some clouds near S. edge of NP Hood and on AM limb near volcanoes.
Thyles Mons separating from western side of the SPC.
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables, Florida U.S.A]

Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
Hi Mars Observers
Here is an image from August 24th 2003 at 06:34 UT. The sky transparancy was
good 7/10 and the seeing was very good 8/10.
C14 @ f/39, ST5 CCD

RED  + IR rejection, .25  seconds, Edmund filter
GREEN + IR rejection, .5  seconds, Edmund filter
BLUE  + IR rejection, .8  second, Edmund filter
Luminance, IR + Red , 600-1000nm  .07  seconds,  Edmunds filter
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas U.S.A.]

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (178mm f/15 Maksutov-Cassegrain Astromeccanica KC381 video CCD camera)
Dear all
Here my latest Mars image under fair seeing and excellent transparency.
In spite of poor resolution and some artifacts there, I like very much this true color aspect of
Mars with a large fog over Solis Lacus and over the NPH! RGB imagery doesn't allow the finest
resolution given by IR frequency, but it's the only way to image the Red as our eyes do.
I'm finding more and more LRGB tecnique (where L = R or IR) a "false color imaging" giving a
monochromatic picture with red hue.

Dear all
Here my latest Mars image under good seeing and fair transparency. Probably the best RGB image
so far with my 7" maksutov...  I improved R image through the DISTOR function by Iris correcting a
certain amount of distorsion due to the high frequency turbolence.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Tan Wei Leong(40cm Pentax Classical Cassegrain ; Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K camera)

Dear mars observers
Attached is the mars image from 24th August 2003.
This is a stack of 580 manually selected  frames out of 1800 frames.
Seeing 5-7/10 and transparency 8/10.
Best Regards
[Tan Wei Leong  Singapore]

Nicolas Biver (407mm Drawing)

2003/08/24 00:17:00 UT   (with Phobos and Deimos)
CM=  8.7   Ls= 246.91 Dia.=25.1"
Seeing: 4-5/10 (poor) Transparency 9-7/10 Telescope: 407mm F/D 4.3 x700
Ablis, France
[Nicolas Biver  MEUDON, FRANCE]

Gianni Tumino (RCT 10" PHILIPS ToUcam PRO)

[Gianni Tumino   RAGUSA-Sicily,Italy]

Domenico Licchelli (MAK-CASS 127mm F12 ToUcamPRO)

[Domenico Licchelli ,Gagliano del Capo, Italy]

Cristian Fattinnanzi ( 250mm Newtonian Philips Vesta Pro)

[Cristian Fattinnanzi :  Macerata ITALY]

Olivier Meeckers (Takahashi TSC-225 ToUcam pro)

[Olivier Meeckers :  Charneux, Belgium]

Guilherme Grassmann (8" F6 Newtonian Philips Vesta Pro)

Hello All!
Two black points on Sinus Sabaeus and SPC still reducing and one part is separate.The NPC haze is very blue.
Best regards
[Guilherme Grassmann, Americana-San Paulo, Brasil]
Damian Peach (8" (200mm) f/6 Newtonian:Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.)
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Canary Islands (2360m alt.)
10" (25cm) Meade SCT @ f/55. Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.
Exposure times: ~600 x 0.04 secs
Seeing initally excellent (Pickering 7-10.) but deteriorated later to fair. DIMM Reading (0.6"-0.7") Transparency excellent (7.0mag.)
Wind W (15-18km/hr.)

[Damian Peach: Hertfordshire, UK.]

Hubble Space Telescope(2900mm fl=5300mm)
 tif image 1164X1164 2026kb
[NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section