火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2003/09/07(UT)

荒川 毅,前田和儀,林敏夫,瀧本郁夫,柚木健吉,伊賀祐一,安達 誠,永長英夫,熊森照明,
Clay Sherrod,Frank J Melillo,Carmelo Zannelli,Donald C Parker,Kolovos Dimitrios


CM=(38 57 66 69 72 73 77 78 80 81 102 192 204 302 308 311 316 324)
  朝霧とアキダリウム(Mare Acidarium;30w,+50)付近の雲がよく目だっている。
とが分かる。(reported by 14 observers)

September 7 th, 2003
The morning mist and the cloud of Mare Acidarium(30W,+50) are
conspicuous well.  The pattern of the northern side can be seen
comparatively thick from near equator.  The neighborhood of SPC is
dusty.  In the image of D.C.Parker, it was difficult to see the
neighborhood of SPC and Nouvs Mons was cleraly recorded.

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, ToUcam Pro)
seeing 5/10  ,  trans. 2/5  ,  exp. 1/25sec  ,  20fps × 75sec
いつもどおり、IR cut filter の有無を並べてみました。
≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫

Kazuyoshi Maeda (350mm Newton, Philips ToUcam Pro)
シーイング4-5/10, 透明度まずまずでした。
≪京都府 亀岡市 前田和儀≫

林敏夫 Toshio Hayashi (355mm Schumidt-Cassegrain, Philips ToUcam Pro )

Digital still camera Minolta DimageEX1500
≪京都府京都市  林敏夫≫

Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian :ToUcam Pro )
2003/09/07 12:51(UT)
LS=256.14 Dia.=24.54"
310mm Newtonian, PL12.4mm(f=6.5)
ToUcam Pro, 1/25 sec
224 frames Stacked
Seeing:2/10 Trans:2/5

[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県  綾歌郡  瀧本郁夫≫

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
[Kenkichi Yunoki  (Sakai City  Japan)]
≪大阪府  堺市  柚木健吉≫

Yuichi Iga (280mm SC, Philips ToUcam Pro)
2003/09/07   Ls=256.15, De=-18.97, Dia=24.53"
13:29:02(UT) CM= 78.19  599 frames stacked
280mm SCT, XP24mm(f/42), Philips ToUcam Pro, 1/33sec
60sec exposured, no IR-cut filter, Registax  Seeing:4/10 Transp.:1/5
Y.Iga(Kyoto, JAPAN)
≪京都市山科区  伊賀 祐一≫

Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)

≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Toucam Pro Webcam)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫

Teruaki Kumamori (600mm Cassegrain , PHILIPS ToUcam Pro)
≪大阪府  堺市 熊森照明≫

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (410mm SC : ToUcam PRO)

A very interesting view of Mars and the SPC, with an incredibly beautiful green-blue shearing cloud cutting E-W across the south polar cap; this can be seen clearly in both the RGB and Green image insets. Note also the high blue clouds on the eastern (fol.) terminator at right. Poor seeing, but nice detail emerging nonetheless; most of the SPC is now sublimated with the rift evident from the Mountains of Mitchell; Hellas (northern portions) are quite bright.
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod Arkansas State U.S.A]
Frank J Melillo(Celestron 203mm Schmidt Starlight Xpress MX-5)
The seeing was quite good. Although, there was some high thin clouds scattered around.
The features are seen very clearly with free of dust. You can actually see the details inside Hellas.
It is dull especially on the south side and a little brighter to the north side.
[Frank J Melillo  Holtsville NY U.S.A]

Carmelo Zannelli ( 412mm Newtonian: Philips ToUcam pro)
2003/09/07 22:05(UT)
C.M.=204  Seeing: 3/10; Transp.: 3/5; Telescope: Newton Vixen D= 130 mm. F= 720 mm. f/5,5;
Imaging camera: Webcam Philips Toucam Pro + filtro IR-Cut for RGB - W25 Red filter without IR-Cut for Infrared image
15 FPS at 1/15 s.exposure;
Eyepiece projection: Meade SP 6,4 mm - about F/66 (about 8,5 meters);
796 frames of 1200 for RGB image and 1344 of 2700 frames for RIR image stacked with Registax 2.0 beta;
Site: Palermo - near city center;  Acquisition: K3CCDTools;
Elaboration: Registax 2.0 beta; Astroart 3.0; Photoshop 7.0;
[Carmelo Zannelli ,  Sicily-Italy]

Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)
Despite poor seeing, the "Mountains
of Mitchel" have separated from the SPC and have split. No dust.

D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian
ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)   0.13s-0.25s 1  image
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.42-0.57s 6-8 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.60-2.00s 5-8 images
Images bias,flat and dark corrected.
Seeing poor (4 Pickering).  Transparency 2-3.5 m, frequent high clouds, haze.
Wind WSW 2-5 kts. Altitude =47-48 degrees. Light dew.

No dust clouds. Novus Mons separated from SPC and divided into "Mountains of Mitchel."
Antarctic cloud/haze west of SPC. Evening limb arc. NP Hood thin, weak.
Faint AM limb clouds. Dark streaks on the floor of Hellas. Violet Clearing = 1+ visually.
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables, Florida U.S.A]

Kolovos Dimitrios ( 280mm SCT : Philips ToUcam pro)

[Kolovos Dimitrios ,  Athens Greece]
《コロボス  デミトゥリオス  ギリシャ アテネ》

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section