Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro) |
シーングがとても悪いです。調べたら、関東地方の上空 9000mを,この冬で一番速い風速70m/s(140KT)のジェット気 流が流れていました。 ≪神奈川県 横浜市 三品利郎≫
Kuniaki Horikawa(160mm Newtonian, Drawing & ToUcam PRO) |
[Horikawa_J20040110-1609_drw.jpg] 2004/01/10 16h09m(UT) I=117.9 II= 36.8 Seeing=3/10 Transparency=5/5 16cm Refl. x200 ・シーイング悪し ・RS前方のSTrZはshadeされている
[Horikawa_J20040110-1725_drw.jpg] 2004/01/10 17h25m(UT) I=164.2 II= 82.7 Seeing=3/10 Transparency=5/5 16cm Refl. x200 ・RS前方のstreakはほとんど変化なし、伸長していないようだ ≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫
Brian Colville(300mm F10 Schmidt-Cass:ToUcam Pro) |
Hello everyone... Seeing was moderate (6/10) despite the -28C temperatures and transparency was good. These images were taken with the 30cm SCT at f29 using a Logitec Pro 3000 web cam and the Pixcel 237 CCD. The IR frame from the webcam was assembled from approx. 250 frames of 1/5 sec exposures. The IR, methane, and UV images were assembled from 15 individual exposures. The methane and UV exposures were each 5 seconds and the IR was 0.9 seconds. The images were composited and processed with Registax2. The CM presented here is also represented by Antonio's higher resolution images of Jan 6. Please forward any questions or comments that you may have. Take care [ Brian Colville : Cambray Canada]