Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)
≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
SEiichi Kanno(250mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
≪山形県上山市 菅野清一≫
≪山形県上山市 菅野清一≫
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Toucam Pro Webcam)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
Satoshi Ota (319mm Newtonian, Qcam pro4000)
[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県 豊見城市 大田 聡≫
Hideto Fukui (250mm Dall Kirkham, Philips ToUcam Pro)
[Hideto.Fukui (Kyoto City Japan)]
≪京都府 京都市 福井英人≫
Tomio Akutsu ((320mm Newton, Cooled CCD camera BL-41L))
Dear Observers
I attache Jupiter images on 10 February 2004
Seeing is good in winter season.
Image data 10 February 2004
Toucam Pro 210frames exposure 1/25seconds IR block
UV 22frames exposure 5seconds 2x2bining
IR(800nm) 20frames exposure 1seconds
METHANE 14frames exposure 10seconds 2x2bining
S=4-5/10 T=5/5
John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Thankyou for those images, which again show that the UV-bright patches in
EZ do not coincide with the visible and methane-bright patches! The
mismatch is obvious in the attached alignment.
≪栃木県 阿久津富夫≫
Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Takashi Suzuki (180mmMakustov Casegrain, ToUcam Pro)
[Takashi Suzuki (Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)]
≪東京都八王子市 鈴木 隆≫
Masahiro Koishikawa(260mm Newtonian, Philips ToUcam PRO)
≪宮城県仙台市 小石川正弘≫
Kuniaki Horikawa(160mm Newtonian, Drawing & ToUcam PRO)
2004/02/10 17h43m(UT)
I= 33.6 II= 75.5 De=-1.7 Dia=43.7
Seeing=6/10 Transparency=3/5
16cm Refl. x143
Philips ToUcam Pro 552 frames composite
2004/02/10 14h13m(UT)
I=265.6 II=308.6
Seeing=5-6/10 Transparency=2/5
16cm Refl. x200
2004/02/10 15h17m(UT)
I=304.6 II=347.3
Seeing=5/10 Transparency=1-2/5
16cm Refl. x200
2004/02/10 16h47m(UT)
I=359.5 II= 41.7
Seeing=6/10 Transparency=3/5
16cm Refl. x200
・CMからRSまでのSEBs edgeはやや拡散している
≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫
Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables, Florida U.S.A]
Christophe Pellier (C14 ; ATK-1HS)
Seeing was fair/poor on february 10th and I have then used a focal reducer.
The steadiness was much better in IR, as expected, but also in UV, less
expected, and that's something I have noticed on Venus also...
I may have a "misalignement" of a bright UV patch and dark base festoon in
IR, such as in Tomio's images in the first UV and IR images, but not on the
seconds I think.
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
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