Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I was able to make an observation of Jupiter on June 14, 2004 under hazy conditions. I welcome any comments that you may have on my observation.
Date (U.T.): June 14, 2004
Time (U.T.): 01:45
L1 107.5, L2 280.9, L3 235.0
Instrument: 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain
Magnification: 194x
Filters: None
Seeing (1-10): 4-5, Antoniadi (I-V): III
Transparency (1-6): 1-2 (haze)
South Polar Region (SPR): Appears dark to dull (3-4/10) and mottled.
South South Temperate Zone (SSTZ): Appears shaded (6/10) and thin.
South South Temperate Belt (SSTB): Appears dusky to dull (4-5/10) and thin.
South Temperate Zone (STZ): Appears bright (7/10) and thin.
South Temperate Belt (STB): Appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) and broad.
South Tropical Zone (STrZ): Appears bright (7/10), but no other detail noted within it.
South Equatorial Belt (SEB): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) with a bright (7/10), thin undulating band bisecting it.
Equatorial Zone (EZ): Appears bright with dull (5/10) projections from NEB-S festoons forming a band across it's center.
North Equatorial Belt (NEB): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) with dark (3/10) festoons along it's southern border (NEB-S).
North Tropical Zone (NTrZ): Appears bright (7/10) with no other detail visible within it.
North North Temperate Belt (NNTB): Appears dusky (4/10) and broad.
North North Temperate Zone (NNTZ): Appears shaded (6/10) and thin.
North polar region (NPR): Appears dark to dusky (3-5/10) and mottled.
Io (I) appears over the following side of the planet.
The best of luck to you and your family and in your imaging of Jupiter.
[[Carlos E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]]
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