冥王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Pluto Image 2004/07/30(UT)
Job Geheniau
Job Geheniau (90mm maksutov) |
2004/30/07 21:30:00(UT)
Image taken in Greece
90mm maksutov (Meade ETX 90)
Modified toucam (SC1)
Stacked 16 of 100 (40 sec each)
Seeing 6/10 Trans 7/10
I just discovered your site. I am someone who likes to get the most out of
my ETX90. I've done a lot of deep sky and other things, but one of my
astrophotos I like is the image of Pluto with an ETX90!
I live in The Nethelands (Europe) and I am member of the werkgroep
astrofotografie and other dutch and belgian groups.
I just want to show what is possible with an ETX 90.
I hope you can place this picture on your site under the Pluto 'department'.
[Job Geheniau,Nethelands]
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