2004/04/11 08:18:58(UT) K=0.4350 Dia=27.31" De=-4.99 247 frames Stacked Seeing:3/10 Trans:4/5 ----------------------------------------------------------- コメント:視直径が27秒にもなり、 金星の太陽面通過まで60日あまり [Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan] ≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫
2004/04/11 16:46:00 (UT) 225mm Schmidt-Cassegrain : ToUcam PRO Seeing 5/10 Trans 4/10 [Mario Weigand:Offenbach am Main Germany] | |||||
Here an image of Venus using a INTES-MICRO MN66 - 150mm f6 Seeing was poor. Date:10 April 2004 UT18:43 Locality :Caramagna ( Imperia ) Lat.43°52'58" Long. 7°58'58" Instruments: INTES-MICRO MN66 + Philips Vesta Pro + Televue Powermate 5x + IR cut Astronomik Mount: Losmandy GM11 Stacking of 800 frames on 1040 at 10fps. [ Fabio Acquarone Genoa ITALY ]