木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Jupiter Image 2005/02/06(UT)
Fattinnanzi Cristia,Brian Colville
河原義則 Yoshinori Kawahara (250mm Cassegrain,ToUcam Pro)
拡大率を下げました f18 noプリズム
≪愛知県海部郡弥富町 河原義則≫
Fattinnanzi Cristian ( 250mm Newtonian Philips Vesta Pro)
[Fattinnanzi Cristian : Macerata ITALY]
showing the planet with the multi spectral filters that I use.
There is an unfiltered (IRX), red,
blue, IR, methane, and UV image in the set. A RGB image was
produced from the R and B data to synthesize a green frame, and
there is a false colour image using the Methane, IR, and UV bands as
the RGB frames. Io and its shadow are visible in the Jupiter
[ Brian Colville : Cambray Canada]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Section