木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2005/02/13(UT)
Christopher Go
S.Yoneyama,H.Einaga,K.Yunoki,T.Akutsu,Christopher Go

Seiichi Yoneyama(200mm F4 Newton,ToUcam PRO)

≪神奈川県横浜市  米山誠一≫

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Toucam Pro Webcam)

HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
撮像はしたものの疲れ気味で処理が遅れました。土星に比べ南中高度が低いためシーイングの受けも良くない。昨年に比べ数値以上に高度が低く感じるものですね。プリズムも2°のものを使いましたが交換が面倒だからそのままにしましたが途中で変える必要がありそうです。STZ U=53°付近にある白斑が明るく見えました。大赤班も昨年のようにレンガ色のような赤みのままです。最後のほうでガニメデの影が見えていますが最初はえらく株に見えたので戸惑いました。それにしてもクリストファー氏のセブ島での画像を見せられると、日本のシーイングの悪さには撮像意欲がなくなってしまいます。

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Tomio Akutsu (320mm Newton, Cooled CCD camera BL-41L ATK-1HS)

≪栃木県 阿久津富夫≫
Christopher Go (Celestron C8:Toucam webcam)
Here's my latest image of Jupiter on a perfect night with the GRS and Ganymede's shadow.
Seeing was around 9/10 today but it started as hazy but there was some slight clearing a few minutes later.
The GRS is very prominent including the SEB rift at it's wake. There is even a bright spot at the SEB. The detail at the STB and SSTB is fantastic. There is even some spots at the SPR.
For the NEB, there is a huge rift there including a small white spot. Ganymede's shadow is at the NTB. The EB is also very busy in this image.
Also included is an image which was taken at around 19:17UT. It is not as clear as the image on the right but it shows the "runaway" spot is described on Feb. 10.

Seeing was around 9/10 today but it started as hazy but there was some slight clearing a few minutes later.
The GRS is very prominent including the SEB rift at it's wake. There is even a bright spot at the SEB. The detail at the STB and SSTB is fantastic. There is even some spots at the SPR.
For the NEB, there is a huge rift there including a small white spot. Ganymede's shadow is at the NTB. The EB is also very busy in this image.
Also included is an image which was taken at around 19:17UT. It is not as clear as the image on the right but it shows the "runaway" spot is described on Feb. 10.

Here's an Image I took at around 19:27UT. Note the interesting features at the SPR!! I think there is a spot in the SPR!!

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section