木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2005/03/11(UT)
Christopher Go,Paolo R. Lazzarotti
Christopher Go,P.Lazzarotti

Christopher Go (Celestron C8:Toucam webcam)
Here's my latest image of Jupiter under 9/10 seeing conditions with 5/5 seeing!! Note the Oval BA very prominent. Is it disintegrating? There is a dark spot on the STrZ. Note the red spots on the NEB and a dark ring feature on the NTB.
There are lots of spots on the STB and dark red barges on the STB and the SSTB.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section