木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2005/06/04(UT)
Brett Turner,Bruno Daversin,Guilherme Grassmann,Zac Pujic

Brett Turner (254mm Newton ToUcam Pro)
After weeks of cloud cover over Perth, the sky finally cleared for a few shots of Juptier. My luck won't hold however with showers forecast tomorrow. Ganymede can be seen to the left of Jupiter in this image.

[Brett Turner, Perth Western Australia]
Bruno Daversin (200 mm Mak_cas:ATIK)
[Bruno Daversin  Cherbourg, France]

Guilherme Grassmann (250mm SCT Meade: Toucam Pro)

Best regards,
[Guilherme Grassmann, Americana-San Paulo, Brasil]
Zac Pujic (310mm Newton ToUcam PRO II)
The red patch in the STB/STZ border is clearly visible in the 09.40 UT image. The small off-centre spot in the oval BA is visible in the 11.20 UT image.

[Zac Pujic , Brisbane Australia]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section