火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2005/07/10(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh,Ricardo Nunes,Richard Bosman,Jan Adelaar,Ed Grafton

 Ralf Vandebergh氏はヘラス(Hellas;290W,-50)の東側にやや明るい部分を
東側はぼんやりしているのが普通の姿のようだ。Ed Grafton氏はデューカリオニ
ス(Deucarionis Regio;350W,-15)からマルガリティファー(Margaritifer
徴的な姿だ。(reported by 5 observers)

Ralf Vandebergh recorded a bright part on the east side of Hellas
(290W,-50) a little. This part is recorded on June 24. Be at this season
of the east side of Hellas is dopy like a usual appearance. Ed Grafton
sees a bright band from Deucarionis Regio (350W,-15) to Margaritifer Sinus
(20W,-10), and this is a feature appearance at this season.
(reported by 5 observers)

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
Mars image fromJuly 10.Time: 03:05:09 UTC.CM=234.99 seeing was poor-fair.
Unfortunely no observations at higher latitude due to fog
(10 inch Newton & ATK-1HS color filters L-IR-sG-B pixel res. 0.11´´)
note the color/albedo difference of Hellas with Cheronesus region.
Also the round shape of Hellas is visible well.

seeing was poor-fair.
Unfortunely no observations at higher latitude due to fog
(10 inch Newton & ATK-1HS color filters L-IR-sG-B   pixel res. 0.11´´)

note the color/albedo difference of Hellas with Cheronesus region.
Also the round shape of Hellas is visible well.

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

Ricardo Nunes(Celestron C8 Quickcam VideoCamera )
2005/05/17 04:45:00(UT) CM=260o false 2005/07/10 04:45(UT)CM=259.3o 200mm SCT : Logitech QCP 4000 Seeing 6/10 Trans 8/10
f/30 composite of 999 frames
[Ricardo Nunes  :  Lisbon, Portugal]

Richard Bosman(280mm SC:ATK-2HS)
[Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

Jan Adelaar(178mm (7') Maksutov cass:ToUcam)
[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]

Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
C14 at f/27,taken with a ST402 CCD. Seeing 8/10, transp 8/10.
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section