火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2005/09/23(UT)
Martin Mobberley,Clay Sherrod,Ralf Vandebergh,David M Moore,Diego Barucco,Richard Bosman,Damian Peach,Jan Adelaar,Paolo Baldoni

ないようだ。その他には、目立った変化はない。(reported by 14 observers)

The water ice cloud in the low latitude provinces shows an active change.
It seems not to be seen so much in the vicinity of the South Pole.
Additionally,there is no remarkable change.
(reported by 14 observers)

Mitsuji Morita(203mm Newton,Philips ToUcam Pro PCVC740K)
≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫

Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian :ToUcam Pro )

[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県  綾歌郡  瀧本郁夫≫

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian,ToUcam Pro)
撮像当初は透明度が良かったが、そのうちお決まりの雲の襲来があった。 9月18日のB画像でもそうだが、オピルが明るく写っている。ティトニウスが暗く、カンドール付近が明るく写っている。最後の画像は雲が押し寄せて来るのでRから撮像を始めたが、Bを撮る時には全面雲に覆われてしまった。

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Mitsuyuki Neichi (250mm Newtonian,SONY DV TRV900)

≪青森県三戸郡 根市満之≫
Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain,ToUcam Pro)
  45cm Cassegrain(F15) + 2X barlow  IR block Filter  Philips ToUcam Pro  Rezistax  seeing  3/10 trans  6/10

0時過ぎから1時過ぎまで、雲に覆われ、1時30分頃再び  火星が見え始めました。

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

林敏夫 Toshio Hayashi (355mm Schumidt-Cassegrain,Philips ToUcam Pro )
9月、3連休初日のみ撮影ができました。台風の影響で、2日間曇り空に風も 強く吹いてました。大きな変化は無いようです。

≪京都府京都市 林敏夫≫
Martin Mobberley (245mm Newton: Lumenera LU 075M)
The third clear morning in a row here in Suffolk,UK !!
A Mars image taken this morning is attached.
CML = 214. The Gomer 'prongs' are approaching the meridian.
Seeing was worse than on previous nights...only fair/poor.
Transparency was good though.
Orion Optics 245mm f/6.3 Newt + 5x Powermate projected to
~8x = f/50.  0.12 arcsecs/pixel (7.4 micron pixels).
Lumenera LU 075M + Red,Green & Blue filters.
Temp + 9 C.  Heavy dew.
Captured/converted with Streampix.
Processed with Registax 3/Maxim DL/PSPro 8.
Further details on the image.

Having imaged the Gomer longitudes on three successive nights
I decided to try an earlier session last night,with Mars only a poor 35
degrees in altitude. However,this did give a good view of the Zephyria
longitudes,even if it was in very unstable conditions.   CML = 179.

Seeing was poor after the passage of a cold front/rain,but
transparency was excellent.

Orion Optics 245mm f/6.3 Newt + 5x Powermate projected to
~8x = f/50.  0.12 arcsecs/pixel (7.4 micron pixels).
Lumenera LU 075M + Red,Green & Blue filters.
Temp + 10 C.  Heavy dew.

Captured/converted with Streampix.
Processed with Registax 3/Maxim DL/PSPro 8.
Further details on the image.

[Martin Mobberley: United Kingdom]

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (410mm SC : ToUcam PRO)
Mars under fair skies,showing the continued bright north polar hood (?) but with an
extended southward streak at the following edge (right) terminator; this is not a
processing artifact,as the streak is conspicuous both with visually and on raw images.
Some longitudinal separation on the southern side of the bright bluish polar cloud is

Very likely,with the hurricane RITA headed right toward Arkansas and expected to stall
out with torrential rains for about 5-6 days beginning late Saturday,this will be our
last effort for a while; at least Petit Jean Mountain is some 1300 feet above the nearest
flood plain.

[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod  Arkansas  State U.S.A]

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
After a rare period of 3 days exellent seeing,was it still clear last night but the seeing turned to standard poor-fair.
Though,it was usable to take any images .
Nodus Alcyonius is present very well.Hellespontes Montes is even very nice visible,also note the obvious
brighter northern-part of Hellas
(10 inch Newton & ATK-1HS@ 0.08´´/p f/60).

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

David M. Moore(25cm Newtonian,Philips ToUcam)
I have continued to monitor the NPH,imaging as late in the morning as I can. Mars is getting tempting in the East when I get home from work,but will continue to image closer to Sunrise for another couple of weeks.
Seeing was poor on the 22nd and a bit better this morning,however I had to image through fast moving,variable layers of cirrus clouds this morning. Hood continues to be bright in this area and showing signs of turbulence,possibly wind blown and/or terrain following. It does continue to vary in appearance and coverage from night to night. I'll try to image the area again for the next two mornings and then that will probably be it for this area. Will get another crack at it around Opposition time!

[ David M Moore Phoenix,Arizona U.S.A]
Diego Barucco(250mm newtonian:ES640 Astromeccanica)
2005/09/23 00:30(UT)
250mm newtonian  ES640 astromeccanica
seeing 6/10; trasp 7/10

22005/09/23 23:22(UT)
250mm newtonian
ES640 astromeccanica
seeing 5/10; trasp 7/10

[Diego Barucco:Siracusa Italy]
Richard Bosman(280mm SC:ATK-2HS)
[Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

Damian Peach (235mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)
Here are some images from Sep23rd. Similar details to yesterday,with a brilliant morning limb haze across Hellas and Libya early on. NPH remains thick.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Jan Adelaar(C9 cass:ToUcam)
[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]

Paolo Baldoni (261mm Newtonian :Lumenera Lu075 )
2005/09/23 02.06 (UT)
Newton LBF 261mm
Barlow 5x
Phillips Vesta Pro

[Paolo Baldoni  Genova,North Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section