火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2005/10/10(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh,Damian Peach,Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Cristina Cellini,Fattinnanzi Cristia,Vittorio Amadori,Christopher Go,Robert Schulz
R.Vandebergh,D.Peach,P.Lazzarotti,C.Cellini,C.Fattinnanzi,V.Amadori,Christopher Go,R.Schulz

在だ。NPHが目だっている。アキダリウム(Mare Acidarium;30W+50)は広い範囲で
雲に覆われている。(reported by 7 observers)

It of a near cloud is alive and well from Ophir (65W,-8) to Tharsis
(90W,+10) also today. NPH is prominent. Mare Acidarium (30W,+50)is
covered with the cloud in the large range.
(reported by 7 observers)

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
Attaches is an observation (RGB and blue light) from last night, Oct 10th.
Mostly poor-fair seeing,but with some short good moments.
As seen in the HC blue image,the clouds just below Tithonius lacus are still present and very obvious.
There is some space visible now
between these,and the Arsia orographic cloud which is in the image next to the limb.
Further there is some structure visible in and around the SPC.
(10 inch Newton & ATK-1HS @ 0.08´´/p f/60--R-sG-B).

Here is a RED/BLUE-light animation from Oct 10.(time: 02:43-02:46 UTC.
It show exactly the position of clouds in the region below Solis Lacus and in Tharsis near the limb.

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

Damian Peach (235mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)
Here are some images from this morning. Again poor seeing with occassional fair moments near the end.
Some interesting detail in Blue. A bright cloud is present near the SPC. The Arsia cloud is weak extending into a morning limb haze. Note the line feature on the disk - this is not a CCD artefact as Mars moved around on the chip quite a bit during the capture. Some notable clouds again over Tharsis extending into Ophir/Candor. A weak evening cloud is present over Aram. The NPH appears dense over Acidalium.
14" (35cm) Celestron SCT @ f/39.5.
Lumenera LU075M CCD camera.Seeing poor occ fair (Pickering 2-5.)
Transparency excellent (6.0mag.) Wind SW (5-10mph.) Moderate dew.
Alt= 55 degs.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)
I was out in the same istant and I captured an image showing about the same macro-features described by Damian.
I also had poor seeing with very short glimpse of fair, transparency very low causing an excess with green color.
Hope this helps although poor...

[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12":ES640 Astromeccanica)
2005/10/10  00.54(UT)
Meade LX200 12"
ES640 Astromeccanica
Barlow 3x Meade 5000

As soon as I setup my telescope and turn on my computer cloudies cover all
the sky...... So I acquired only 80" of avi film and this is the result.

[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]

Fattinnanzi Cristian ( 250mm Newtonian Philips Vesta Pro)

Per pochi minuti (orario ut), queste due immagini di stanotte sono ancora del 10 ottobre....
Le condizioni atmosferiche apparentemente molto migliori rispetto a ieri notte non hanno dato i miglioramenti sperati, a causa di una microturbolenza piu consistente.
Tutto sommato pero sono riuscito a tirar fuori due immagini tra le mie migliori di questa opposizione, una delle due vede il "ritorno" del filtro rosso, ma sinceramente non so quante informazioni possa aggiungere alla normale ripresa rgb coi canali separati.
Qusta notte mollo, devo recuperare qualche ora di sonno.....
Buon lavoro a voi tutti!

[Fattinnanzi Cristian : Macerata ITALY]
Amadori(Newton Marcon 200mm Philips Vesta Pro)
Mars 2005 10 10 H. U.T. 02:19 w 25 filter  and U.T. h. 02:12 rgb
Vittorio Amadori - Soiano del Lago - Italy
Newton Marcon 200mm f/30
Seeing 5-6/10 Trans:5/10 Ir_Cut= On

[Vittorio Amadori-Soiano del Lago-Italy]

Christopher Go (Celestron C8:Toucam webcam)
The image I posted earlier was a bit soft. I was in a hurry and sleepy.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Robert Schulz (320mm Newtonian: LU075M )
[Robert Schulz ,  Austria]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section