水星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Close Venus-Mercury Image 2005/06/27(UT) 水星と金星の接近
Elias Chasiotis

Elias Chasiotis ( 125mm EXT : Atik 1-C webcam)
These are two photos of the very close conjunction between Venus and Mercury captured on 27 June 2005, nearly 90 minutes before sunset.
Mercury is only 4' away from Venus.
Two different camera settings were used to show more clearly Mercury's phase 61.16% (brighter photo).
Venus surface brightness +1.1 / Mercury surface brightness +3.1
Despite the fact that no filter was used (not even IR cut), some details seem to appear on Venus disk (darker photo).
( Venus: Ls=275.42, CM=225.46, P=10.87, i=33.96).
(Mercury: CM=103.08, P=9.79, i=77.10).
Elias Chasiotis
(Note: Yesterday i sent two e-mails with the conjunction but i was informed they were not sent.
By mistake i prepared them to be included in the Venus section because i didn't know that the "other objects" section includes conjunctions.
So today i send you the photographs with the correct texts).

[Elias Chasiotis , Markopoulo Greece]
《エリアス カシオティス ギリシャ アテネ》
ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2005/09/07 [Ceres](Release Date)
2004/12/07 [Jupiter occultation]