木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 Jupiter Image 2006/01/14(UT)
Daniel Chang,Christopher Go
Y.Tomita,D.Chang,Christopher Go
Yasuaki Tomita (255mmREF,Bitran 32L CCD Camera)
≪群馬県佐波郡 冨田安明≫
Daniel Chang (254mm SCT Philips ToUcam Pro)
[Daniel Chang : Hong Kong]
Christopher Go (Celestron C11,DMK21BF04 monochrome camera)
Here's my first image of the year. Jupiter was still around 35deg above the horizon. Conditions weren't that great. I was able to image RGB, Methane and IR800... My RGB still lacks frames... Hopefully my next image will be better.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]