木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2006/05/13(UT)

Guilherme Grassmann,Jim Phillips

Guilherme Grassmann (250mm SCT Meade: Toucam Pro)
Hello Friends,attached images from yesterday night,the  transparence was good but seeing was terrible.

[Guilherme Grassmann,Americana-San Paulo,Brasil]

Jim Phillips(TMB 10" F/9 apochromat:Atik color camera)
2006/05/13 05:47.5(UT)

Well, there I was, at my farm, Jupiter was up and the sky was clear, but the seeing would not cooperate.
This is the best I could get. Thanks Dave for your help.
TMB 10" F/9
5X Powermate
Seeing: Poor
5:45- 5:48 UT May 13, 2006
[Jim Phillips  South Carolina,U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section