Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian) |
<Makoto Adochi Ohtu Shiga Japan>
≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian,ToUcam Pro) |
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Robert Heffner (280mm SCT : Lumenera LU075) |
Seeing was pretty decent for the 12:15 image,but I need to reprocess the
data a little more carefully.
[Robert Heffner:Aichi,Japan]
Teruaki Kumamori (200mm Dall-kirkham,PHILIPS ToUcam Pro ) |
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫
Romain Pechereau (Mewlon180; Vesta pro) |
Here are 2 images of Jupiter makes Tuesday May 30,2006.
done with one Mewlon180 and more with a barlow x3 and a vesta pro
black and white with a filter RG610.The image processing is made under Iris .
[Romain Pechereau,France]
Akira Kazemoto(308mm Newton,308mm Newton,ToUcam Pro) |
≪京都府久世郡 風本明≫
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian :ToUcam Pro ) |
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫
David Arditti (250mm Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain:ATK camera) |
One of my most productive nights this year. On this occasion the seeing improved as the night wore on,while Jupiter got lower,so the effects seemed to cancel out,and I was able to get images over a period of more than 3 hours. I was still able to get a good result at midnight when Jupiter was 19 deg. up.
I obtained useful results from both the Astronomik 742 and 807 nm IR filters,as well as RGB,in some cases going down to a frame rate of 5 fps to brighten the IR images.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
Randy Tatum(250mm f/10 refl:ToUcam Pro) |
Attached are three images from 5-30 and one from 5-31. Seeing was 8/10 and trans. 4/5 on 5-30. Seeing was 8/10 and trans. 3/5 on 5-31. I used the 25.4 cm f/12 refl.,2x barlow,ToUcam Pro (no filter),Registax 3 and Photoshop Elements. There appears to be an STrZ belt growing out of the p-end of the RS.
The two EZn festoons on 5-31 were impressive!
[ Randy Tatum,Richmond,VA U.S.A]
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton,Lu075C) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
Mackintosh.Roberto & Konishi.Monicat(300mm SCT) |
[Mackintosh.Roberto & Konishi.Monicat: Buenos Aires-Argentina]