木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2006/06/26(UT)

Paolo Morelli,Vittorio Amadori,Ferruccio Zanotti,Daniel Chang,Riccardo Di Nasso,Cristina Cellini

Paolo Morelli(180mm MakCass:ToUcam PRO)

[Paolo Morelli : Pioltello (Milan) -Italy ]

Amadori(Newton 272mm Philips Vesta Pro)
Jupiter 206 06 26 h. 19:57 and 20:03 U.T.

[Vittorio Amadori-Soiano del Lago-Italy]

Ferruccio Zanotti (302mm newton and 180mm MCT)
Jupiter with 302mm newton and 180mm MCT

[Ferruccio Zanotti,Ferrara-Italy]

Daniel Chang (254mm SCT Philips ToUcam Pro)

[Daniel Chang : Hong Kong]
Riccardo Di Nasso ( Celestron C8 200mm SC )

[Riccardo Di Nasso,Italy]

Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12":Lumenera Lu075C)
2006/06/26 19.18 (UT)
Meade LX200 12"
Lumenera Lu75C
Barlow Abbe Baader-Zeiss 3x
[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section